Macchi (Accenture): “Sustainability and technology pillars of the bank of the future”

“On the occasion of the ninth edition of the Accenture Banking Conference we retraced the work done in almost a decade: during these meetings it was in fact possible to discuss, reflect and stimulate new ideas in order to improve the competitiveness of banks and companies operating in the sector Among the elements that emerged during the day was the modernization process undertaken by the banking institutions, both from the point of view of the infrastructures and the business model, which made it possible to fill the gaps that separated them from the best international benchmarks. We then wanted to take a further step, reflecting on the progress made compared to what about a year and a half ago we defined the Twin-Bank, a new business model capable of combining technological innovation with the values ​​of sustainability and with the human”. This was stated by Mauro Macchi, Chief Executive Officer of Accenture Italia, on the sidelines of the ninth edition of the Accenture Banking Conference, the annual appointment dedicated to the CEOs and C-Levels of the main Italian banks that offers a space for reflection and discussion on the sector and outlines the characteristics of the bank in the future, held at the Accenture Customer Innovation Network (Acin). “We have been able to see, thanks to the data collected, that there have been important progresses and that this is a path that must be pursued and strengthened, investing in technologies, people and skills to create further value – added Macchi. referring to the progress made by banks in the context of the Twin-Bank – Three other elements that take on particular importance in the ‘bank of the future’ are speed, since institutions must be adaptable to the increasingly rapid change, the technological quotient, which sees two very important factors in data analysis and artificial intelligence, and finally the expansion of the concept of value, which must include all the elements that can bring value to the territory, people and the environment “.” Accenture has always been a company strongly focused on the customer and his success – concluded the CEO of Accenture Italy – for this reason we think that occasions such as the Accenture Banking Conference can be important moments of reflection, during which to understand how to prioritize and how to implement the various interventions useful for improving the overall performance of our customers “.

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