The person behind the image washing operation of Íñigo Onieva: Marisa González Casado

Tamara Falcó’s ex has gone in three weeks from being the “villain of Spain” to the “victim” of excessive harassment due to infidelity A strategy designed by a well-known expert journalist in communication, a friend of the family, who was dircom of Cifuentes and GallardónThis is the new life of Tamara and Íñigo separately. She in Lourdes and he returning to work after traveling to Turkey with his mother, and announcing lawsuits against those who defame himIn the world of entertainment it is essential to have a good image consultant, who prevents you from getting into puddles or helps you get out of them when the fall is inevitable. And if not, let them tell Ortega Cano, whose apparent absence from him led him to pronounce the tone with the “semen of force” and is not making him manage the media crisis in which he is involved too well, after the accusations of Rocío Carrasco about his life with Rocío Jurado or the appearance of an alleged ex-lover, Patricia Donoso. On the other hand, we see the case of Íñigo Onieva, who in just three weeks has gone from being the “villain of Spain”, due to his flagrant public infidelity to Tamara Falcó, to the “victim” of excessive media harassment that has risen up to defend himself and take back the reins of his life. Two days after the video scandal broke out in which he appeared kissing a woman at a music festival, and he made the mistake of denying the evidence, Íñigo Onieva already raised go out to the street to face. It was on Sunday, September 25, when Tamara Falcó’s ex wanted to speak to journalists outside his house, but then his surroundings recommended that he not do so and that he refer to the brief statement he had published on his Instagram acknowledging the facts. and asking for forgiveness. Onieva thus remained “hidden” from the media for two weeks, while Tamara Falcó fueled her fame as an infidel to explain the breakup, and her image was seriously deteriorated to the point of having to temporarily leave her public relations job in the stores of leisure of the Mabel Hospitality group. The turnaround in strategy occurred on October 9, when Íñigo Onieva went out for the first time to give public explanations, asking for forgiveness and respect for his family, who accompanied him, while denying some publications about him such as that he had left party to celebrate his “married farewell”. The moment was most opportune, since for days the media had been getting the idea that Tamara’s ex was a normal young man who was being unfairly stoned for making a mistake, while Tamara lost points in the public opinion for his homophobic comments at the ultra-Catholic congress in Mexico, for which he later apologized. Thus began the “image washing operation” of Íñigo Onieva, who was gaining more and more followers among celebrities, such as Loles León, Concha Velasco or Alaska, defending the relativity of the importance of infidelity in the couple, and even Isabel Preysler was moved by the apologies of her former son-in-law. “He has been very affectionate and very respectful on his part,” said the “queen of hearts”. In that successful mini press conference, where everything seemed to be taken care of in detail. From the chosen place, at the doors of one of the premises where he works, through the actors (his mother, his sister and his grandmother) and the script of the statement with each measured word, mentioning Tamara, her family and his work. It is said that even the styling was premeditated, with the shirt unbuttoned so that the black cord with a wooden cross could be seen that could be a nod to Tamara’s faith. professional media expert and celebrities in complicated situations. The same one that should be behind the “Onieva environment” to which all the journalists (Emma García, Isabel Rábago, Pilar Vidal, Saúl Ortiz, Sonia Ferrer or Susanna Griso) referred when they gave their version on the sets, defending that “neither no one had killed” or that “I have been unfaithful to Tamara but not to all of Spain”. According to Informalia, it was Onieva’s mother, Carolina Molas, who searched among her friends for a trusted communication professional to act as an intermediary with the press and help them manage the tsunami. Someone who was a friend of the family, who did it selflessly and who would have put the only condition that Onieva not enter the media circus and give interviews for which they offered him a lot of money. And now, the newspaper El Español has named the “artificer ” of the youth’s image wash. Marisa González Casado is the person who would be advising the Onievas in the media. She is an expert in communication who has served as director of political faces, such as Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón (63) and Cristina Cifuentes (58), of whom she is also a friend and who were known at the time they worked together like “Thelma and Louise”: This woman, as confirmed by the aforementioned media, has been a friend of the Onieva family for years, especially her mother, Carolina Molas. She has worked for very large companies and public institutions, important entities and important organizations. For her, this thing about Iñigo Onieva is important for friendship, but it is ‘a minute sin’, child’s play when compared to the media earthquakes, sometimes with political and legal complications, with which she has dealt. Marisa González Casado (58 years) is since 2018 Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability at the Royal Spanish Football Federation. In her LinkedIN profile, she presents herself as a “journalist with extensive professional experience in communication and a long history in the political and sports fields”, she has “created and managed large multidisciplinary teams dedicated to different specialties: crisis communication, electoral campaigns, communication sports, management and advertising campaigns,” says his profile. “I have launched, among other projects, the emergency departments of the Community of Madrid and the Madrid City Council. Also, the communication departments of the Anti-Drug Agency, of all Hospitals and public Universities in Madrid”, in addition to being a “specialist in the preparation and delivery of speeches, interviews, training of spokespersons and leaders, as well as brand creation, both personal and business”. Separated and mother of three children, he is currently with Jaime de los Santos, a Spanish politician, historian and writer who belongs to the Popular Party (PP). The new life of Tamara Falcó and Iñigo Onieva separatelyThe strategy of this professional, and time, which has played in her favor, three weeks after the outbreak of the scandal, the storm has already abated and the media speak calmly of the new life separately from the protagonists of the story. Iñigo Onieva accepts his mistake, he wants to get Tamara back but he knows it won’t be easy, and in the meantime he tries to recover his routine little by little. He has already taken all her belongings from the attic in the Justicia neighborhood (Madrid) that he shared with her until she broke up, and he is installed in the house of a friend of hers. With Tamara there has been no contact except for some telephone conversation. “They have only spoken once since they broke up,” says Vanitatis, who confirms Onieva’s return to work in person and his refusal, like the rest of his family, to give any paid interview. The young man decided to put land in between this weekend, traveling to Istanbul with his mother, who is also recovering from the recent breakup with her second husband, José Ignacio de Guadamillas. This Monday, upon his return from Turkey, he announced that will take legal action against those who spread the rumor these days that he was disloyal to Tamara with a close friend of hers, Mimi Monzón. “It is completely and utterly false that Mr. Onieva has maintained a romantic relationship with” Mimi “, with whom he only maintains a friendly relationship.” For her part, Tamara Falcó has forgiven him for infidelity but does not consider a reconciliation. She tries to turn the page by erasing all traces of him on her social networks (she has only left three photographs) and does not fit into her plans to return to live in the house they shared, despite what was published. According to El Español, the Marchioness of Griñón will continue to live indefinitely with her mother, Isabel Preysler (71), in her house in Puerta de Hierro, in Madrid, until she is given the keys to her new house, in the same urbanization . The disappointment with Onieva has made her take refuge even more in faith (she has just returned from a trip to the Lourdes sanctuary) and in her work as chef and businesswoman of her own restaurant in El Rincón, the farm in Aldea del Fresno, 40 km from Madrid, which he inherited from his father and where he planned to marry. Her plans also include converting it into a kind of hotel / rural palace. Tamara Falcó wants to continue with her commitments as an influencer with brands, which are managed by her representatives Susana Uribarri, Chus Martín and Dácil Romero.

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