Beware of online scam investments, they are recognized by easy returns

The neighbor arrives, or the small craftsman who tells how to easily supplement his monthly salary, or the trusted friend who wants to confide ‘a tip’ to be kept with care. Scam investments thus spread, running online supported by word of mouth that promises excellent returns, in a historical phase in which no traditional investment pays well, and triggers easy transfers to unverifiable accounts. Some of them, upstream, have also actually obtained a gain but it is the chain of subsequent investments that leads to substantial losses downstream. The case. Consob intervened last week to obscure 6 new websites that illegally offer financial services / financial products: 5 illegal financial intermediation sites and a site through which an offer of financial products is made in the absence of a prospectus. It is Uefa Football Fund Ltd (website and related page Obviously, the use of the UEFA name to give credibility and institutional coverage to the operation immediately catches the eye. In reality, it is a scam, not just a potential one, as there are several people who have already lost their money. For now, the 90-day suspension has been applied. The Authority disputes both the information provided and the lack of a prospectus. The investment plans called ‘UEFA Football Hedge Fund’ would guarantee the subscriber, against the investment of capital, obtaining a “stable income”. Technically, big data analysis is advertised to invest in the world of football and pay investors a return calculated on the basis of a “compound interest. Long-term formula: (capital + income) + (income + income) = investment plan compound rate “. A video presents the initiative by describing a “financial product” that would be characterized by “low risk and long-term profit” through “a safe, reliable and guaranteed investment process”. The Ponzi scheme. The tools seem innovative, from big data to cryptocurrencies often used as bait, but the scheme is the classic one of financial scams. The ‘pyramid scheme’ also known as the ‘Ponzi scheme’ is used, named after its creator, operating in the United States in the early 1900s. It is a scheme that does not seem to care about the signs of aging, having also been used in recent years by Bernard Madoff for one of the most egregious scams of all time. How does it work. Whoever enters first gets economic returns at the expense of subsequent investors. subjects who subsequently joined the scheme. The game works as long as the ability to attract new participants remains high. When, on the other hand, the new incoming money is no longer able to cover the interests promised to those who are already involved in the scheme, the circuit is blocked, manifesting its nature of a scam.

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