Tragic shooting in Bratislava / He acted as a quiet, accommodating and non-confrontational type, the school claims about the perpetrator –

He seemed like a quiet, accommodating and non-confrontational type, the school says of the perpetrator. He admired mass murderers who broadcast the acts live on the Internet. He started writing his 65-page manifesto in May. The perpetrator of the tragic shooting in Bratislava, 18-year-old Juraj K., described his personality in the manifesto. The school for exceptionally gifted children and the Gymnasium in Bratislava’s Nové Mesto district, where he attended, condemned forms and expressions of violence and hatred. She also stated that Juraj did not express radical or hateful views in class. “During the student’s tenure after transferring to our school, we did not notice any negative expressions on his part, any efforts to communicate in this context, any influence on other students, and he did not express his radical and hateful views even during classes,” the school said in a statement. He had an inner individual world. He acted as a quiet, accommodating and non-confrontational type. “It was his inner individual world that he led on social networks that we only learned about after the fact,” school officials added. However, the teachers with whom Denník N spoke anonymously claim that they have observed his non-standard behavior for a longer time. The schools where he went tried to solve his problematic behavior, they advised his father to seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist, but he was not inclined to do so. He perceived it as a shame. According to the manifesto where he described himself, he diagnosed his mental problems by surfing the Internet. However, he subsequently assessed that it “definitely did not help”. But he recalled that he actually had “no big problems with the way he lived his life.” In his manifesto, he also wrote that he was bullied at school, which is why he transferred to another school. But he rose above it, claiming he just “couldn’t handle the jokes”. He also said that “friendships came and went.” “My life was pretty average; it had its ups and downs, downs and ups, moments of happiness and joy, but also sadness and depression,” Juraj wrote in the manifesto. The school is experiencing trauma The school stressed that it is not identified with any unnecessary death and condemns any form and expression of violence and hatred. “At the moment, the organization of support crisis teams for students and school employees is underway,” they explained. The school administration expressed its sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims. “The whole school is traumatized by the situation,” they wrote. The school reminded that it guides its students to freedom, empathy, tolerance and at the same time to condemning any hatred or other forms of intolerance. “So far, we have not noticed any manifestations of neo-fascism, racial intolerance and negative or even violent behavior in the school, which would lead to any form of hatred or to the suppression of the freedoms of any groups, including racial, national, religious or biological groups, minorities,” they said. Shooting in the center of Bratislava A teenager killed two people, the police found him dead. He confessed in a manifesto The incident took place on Zámocká Street in the Old Town. According to everything, the 19-year-old murderer Juraj K. killed because of hatred towards the LGBTI community. They emphasized that diversity is in the identity of the school, which is the exact opposite of the act that happened. The school considers the two-year period of distance education, when children were dependent on computer communication, especially social networks, to have a negative impact on the psyche and personality of students. “It is not in our power to control the activities of students on private, undisclosed accounts, as was the case in this particular case,” they emphasized, adding that the school cannot replace the conditions of the family environment and the influence of social networks that currently determine today’s youth. A turning point in 2019 The attacker Juraj, who killed two people in Bratislava on Wednesday, wrote in a hateful manifesto that he experienced a turning point in his life when, at the beginning of 2019, he really became interested in “compounds”. He learned about the attack from New Zealand, where the perpetrator murdered in two mosques in the city of Christchurch. The act was broadcast live. A total of 49 people did not survive the attack. “It was really unique – maybe it was because it was broadcast live,” Juraj wrote in the manifesto. He described the victims as a “general slaughter of shits”. “The video was ‘different’ from most other content I had seen before,” he added. However, he also praised other manifestos, according to which he created his own. “Since 2019, I’ve been preparing slowly: collecting targets, researching and monitoring them, reading about tactics and strategy. My goals changed as the global situation and my personal knowledge evolved. However, my desire to intervene against the ZOG (ed. note – conspiracy theory of the Zionist government organization) always remained,” he described in the manifesto. Until then, he lacked the courage to act. “I could strike at any time, I had many opportunities. Still, I was, frankly, a bitch.” He admired mass murderers who live-streamed their actions. In the manifesto, he called the May 2022 attack, when Payton Gendron killed 10 people in Buffalo, America, “the final nail in the coffin.” In this case too, the shooter broadcast his act on the Internet, specifically on the Twitch platform. However, the service provider ended the live broadcast after two minutes. “His livestream gave me new inspiration, a new impulse to do what needed to be done after years of procrastination,” the Slovakian forward wrote in the 65-page manifesto. He added that he saw himself in the man from Buffalo. “A young man with his whole life ahead of him, who decided to fight for something bigger than himself, who fought for what he believed in.” Juraj K. started writing the manifesto in May 2022. He claimed that since then he had been preparing for an attack against Zionist organization. “Gendron gave me the final push that allowed me to overcome my own indecision and begin the serious work of performing the operation,” he wrote. “I have to take a stand, if only for once in my life. Even if I have to stand alone, even if only for one day, even if I may fail – I have to do something. Because my people are worth fighting for,” he said in the manifesto.

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