Ayuso, booed in Madrid when visiting the residents affected by the works of the 7B metro: “We are not going to stop”

The regional leader has gone to the municipality for the first time since the underground crisis worsened with evictions and demolitions. Around a hundred residents have given Ayuso a tense reception shouting ‘Guilty Metro, Responsible Ayuso’ Ayuso has assured that, ” unapproachable as it may seem”, they are going to do everything in their power “to repair the damage caused to the neighbors. The regional leader has gone to the municipality for the first time since the underground crisis worsened with evictions and demolitions. About a Hundreds of residents gave Ayuso a tense welcome shouting ‘Guilty Metro, Responsible Ayuso’, ‘Less offices, more solutions’, ‘Ayuso listens, Sanfer is fighting’ and carrying various banners with the slogans ‘Houses demolished, lives ruined ‘ or ‘Metro is leaking, our houses are sinking’. The neighbors have closely reproached the president for her management and she has stopped to chat, show understanding and ensure that they work to search for solutions. A similar situation also occurred at the end of the visit, before Ayuso left the municipality after around an hour and a half of visiting, along with cries of disapproval from some of those affected present. In his speech to the media, Ayuso acknowledged that this is a problem “of long years”, that it is not only of the neighbors but also of the regional government. “This is how we are facing it, as everyone’s problem. I want you to know that we are not going to stop, that we are going to continue working until we manage to solve this problem. This is one of my priorities as president of the Community”, she declared. It is their “priority” Ayuso has assured that, “as unapproachable as it may seem”, they are going to do everything in their power “to repair the damage caused to the neighbors, of whom he understands” their criticism, their discomfort and whom ” has thanked them for their “closeness and dialogue on this visit”. As it has progressed, this will not be the only visit because one of its main objectives is to “solve this”. “We are aware that they have been supervened in it and for this my government humbly what you have to do is for all the solutions. I want it to be clear that no neighbor, none, is going to stay on the street and we must bear in mind that there are many families who have had to abandon their homes, their businesses and do so in very painful circumstances,” he said. Ayuso He recalled that his government has made a commitment to all those affected to “assume the costs of rehabilitating all the homes that are viable and adequately compensate them for those properties that cannot be rehabilitated.” Three new actions Likewise, the president has announced that they are going to to set up a permanent care office for those affected, where the neighbours’ needs will be met, that there will be new work to consolidate the land that we have just visited and comprehensive action for the municipality, which will include a large park. The office will be located in San Fernando de Henares, which will be available from this coming Monday, October 17, on Ventura de Argumosa Street, it is reported The neighbors will be personally visited and any questions they may have about the state of their homes or property liability files will be resolved. It will open from Monday to Friday in the morning, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. along with two afternoons (Monday and Wednesday), from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Subsequently, the Government advisers present have detailed the new actions, which Ossorio will be in charge of. of coordinating the actions of all areas. This week these tasks have begun in an area of ​​around 10,000 square meters, on Rafael Alberti, Presa, Pablo Olavide, Francisco Sabatini and Nazario Calonge streets, explained the head of Transport. For this, the Community is going to invest some 10 million. The affected plots will become a large green area with sports facilities. The residents will be able to access this space through different paths, articulated in a dozen environments, which will lead to a central garden with geometric labyrinth-type vegetation similar to that existing in the Rosaleda park in El Retiro. For his part, the vice president has detailed that the Community will begin, before the end of 2022, the demolition of the facilities of the El Pilar Endowment Complex on which the park will be located. The land extends for a complete block delimited by Nazario Calonge, La Presa and Rafael Alberti streets, and is occupied by buildings. New wastewater tankOn the other hand, the head of the Environment has explained that a new storage tank will be built wastewater, a hydraulic infrastructure that allows the brine to be stored and dosed in the treatment plant. With this action, an adequate operation of the Casaquemada treatment plant in the town of San Fernandina will be achieved. An investment of 5 million will be made. Likewise, assistance and expert technical advice will be offered by Canal de Isabel II professionals through two hydrogeologists in charge of studying the evolution of groundwater.

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