Omar Raddad case: the justice rejects the second request for revision

Published on: 13/10/2022 – 15:32 The second request of the Moroccan ex-gardener Omar Raddad was once again rejected by French justice on Thursday. The man had been sentenced to eighteen years’ imprisonment, then pardoned but never cleared. This case is one of the most famous and controversial criminal cases in France. New twist in the Omar Raddad affair. Justice rejected, Thursday, October 13, the second request for review of Omar Raddad, convicted twenty-eight years ago for the murder of Ghislaine Marchal and who wanted a new trial, learned AFP from judicial sources and from Parties. The commission of instruction of the Court of revision declared the request inadmissible, indicated the council of the family of Mrs. Marchal. Omar Raddad’s lawyer, Me Sylvie Noachovitch, said she was “scandalized” by this decision, which seems to close thirty years of a legal saga with twists and turns. His gardener Omar Raddad had been sentenced in 1994 to eighteen years’ imprisonment, then pardoned but not cleared.>> To read: The Omar Raddad affair, a French story “Omar killed me” He had been designated by the inscription “Omar killed me” drawn with the victim’s blood, a mismatch that placed the case among the most famous and controversial criminal cases in France. The victim had been discovered in a room in the basement of his villa in Mougins (Alpes-Maritimes). “I will never let go of Omar Raddad,” said Me Sylvie Noachovitch to the press, announcing that she “(would seize) the European Court of Human Rights”. “My determination is intact,” said Me Noachovitch again, looking serious. Scientific progress After a first rejection twenty years ago, Omar Raddad had filed a new request for revision of his trial on June 24, 2021, thirty years to the day after the discovery of the body of Ghislaine Marchal, the wealthy widow of an equipment manufacturer. automobile. His defense based his hopes on scientific progress in DNA, after the discovery of several genetic fingerprints at the crime scene, the profile of which did not belong to Omar Raddad. An expert requested by Me Noachovitch had estimated that one of the unidentified male DNA could have been deposited during the facts and not during a later “pollution”, in particular by an investigator. This expertise was part of one of the “elements news” presented by the defense of Omar Raddad to the investigating committee and likely, according to it, to raise doubts about the guilt of the ex-gardener. With AFP

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