The Government wants to approve that the colleges that depend on public universities are mixed

The Ministry of Universities will work for the approval of the amendment to the Organic Law Project for Universities (LOSU) presented by Más País- Verdes Equo that prohibits non-mixed or segregated private schools from being attached to public universities. sources from the Department led by Joan Subirats, the Ministry has a positive stance regarding this initiative and has had very good harmony and collaboration with Más País- Verdes Equo. Both the Ministry of Universities and the training led by Íñigo Errejón were in positions that were along the same lines, so that the halls of residence attached to public universities are mixed, according to the same sources. For his part, Errejón, in statements to the media this Thursday from the Congress of Deputies, has indicated that they have transferred the Government the proposal and that they have found “very good reception” by the Ministry of Universities. “We are working on it o, collaboration and harmony with the Ministry of Universities is being very high, and we hope that it can become the norm. Whoever wants to segregate can do so in their private universities, the public ones do not want them to allow there to be centers that segregate”, has sentenced the spokesman for Más País- Verdes Equo. The text presented by the formation, to which Europe has had access Press, adds a new section to the Seventh Additional Provision of the law so that private colleges that have a non-mixed or segregated regime cannot be attached to a public university. Likewise, the amendment states that “those agreements that are in force at the entry into force of this Law, they may be maintained until they expire, but not be renewed.” “From public universities, a model of student residences that is governed by the principles of equality must be guaranteed,” the document points out. Verdes Equo has presented this amendment after a video went viral on social networks last week in which students from the Elías Ahuja Male Residence Hall intimidated to her neighbors from CMU Santa Mónica–female–yelling at them like “nymphomaniacs”, “whores” and “we are going to fuck you”, although some of the critics considered that it was taken “out of context” and that they did not feel “offended”. The footage starts with a single student exclaiming, “Bitches, come out of your burrows, rabbits. You are nymphomaniac whores. I promise you’re all going to fuck in the capea.” What might seem like an isolated student changes when after shouting “Come on Ahúja!” all the blinds in the building open in unison and the rest of the schoolboys begin to shout and pound on the facade.

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