Agreement between Institutions to enhance the assets confiscated from organized crime

Combining the competences of the Vanvitelli University (legal, technical and economic) and those of the National Agency for Seized and Confiscated Assets (ANBSC) to encourage the recovery and enhancement of assets stolen from organized crime is the objective of the ‘Framework Convention ‘signed today between the Rector Gianfranco Nicoletti and the Director of the Agency, Prefect Bruno Corda. The Vanvitelli University, as a Third Mission activity, implements measures aimed at promoting the territory and it is in this context that the initiatives referred to in the Convention are placed, which will be carried out in collaboration with the National Agency for Seized Assets and Confiscated, to work together in the fight against organized crime. The University, and in particular the Department of Law led by Raffaele Picaro, who already operates in a Research Group that deals with the issues of legality and social ethics, to provide appropriate support to businesses and public administrations, in contexts difficult territories and with a high density of criminal activity, will carry out, in synergy with the ANBSC, actions of particular importance such as organizing meetings, conferences and public debates on the subject of patrimonial measures to prevent and repressive contrast to organized crime. Collaborations will also be implemented for the conduct of teaching, study and research activities, creating internships and training courses for students, doctoral students, graduates and PhDs. “The Vanvitelli University has always been committed to the fight against illegality and favors initiatives aimed at promoting legality – commented the Rector Gianfranco Nicoletti. Promoting a better knowledge of the social use of assets confiscated from the Camorra, of the culture of legality and democratic rules is certainly one of our missions, especially in consideration of the territorial context in which we find ourselves and on which most of our offices insist. . This Agreement with ANBSC, therefore, is a further step forward in this direction. I believe that pooling the skills of the various institutions is the right way to go, also focusing on the training of future generations with the involvement of civil society. “” The collaboration between ANBSC and the Vanvitelli University – declared the Prefect Bruno Corda – is part of a general cooperation process with the main national universities. This occasion is even more important because it concerns a University inserted in a particularly delicate territorial context such as that of Caserta in which the fight against organized crime takes on a particularly significant value. The cooperation that is established following the Framework Agreement signed today will allow a very important analysis regarding the impact that the investments of organized crime – real estate and business – have on the territory and a verification of their economic value when they are returned to the collectivity for social use and the legal market economy. Ultimately – concluded the Prefect – the Convention will contribute to the promotion of the culture of legality especially with regard to the younger generations and to a greater awareness of the importance of the enhancement and use of confiscated assets ”.

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