EXTRAORDINARY There is no threat of another attack: the police found the shooter from Zámocká dead! – Topky.sk

VIDEO Shots were fired in the center of Bratislava on Wednesday evening Updated 1:20 p.m. “I very sincerely want to condemn this act that happened on Wednesday. It is unacceptable,” Interior Minister Roman Mikulec said in a statement. He thanked all the police officers who acted immediately. However, he did not want to go into details, he could not even say the exact motive of the deed. “People, let’s treat each other decently,” Mikulec urged the people. On Wednesday, dozens of police officers and special units were involved in the investigation. Police chief Štefan Hamran and other police representatives are to inform about the conclusions of the investigation at a press conference. Updated 13:05 “It was an elaborate execution, the killer came, waited there and then shot two people from close range and shot the third person. Both victims were our close friends. It scared me a lot, it was obviously a long-planned act,” said the owner Tepláreň Roman Samotný, who perceives it as a deliberate attack on the security of Slovakia and the LGBTI community. He himself was moved by the expression, holding back tears. As he explained, the woman the perpetrator shot was not their employee, but a customer. Updated 12:30 Prime Minister Eduard Heger responds to yesterday’s shooting in the center of Bratislava at a press conference. According to him, such events are unacceptable in Slovakia and he strongly condemns this act, as Slovakia is a democratic country. “We live in a very difficult time, in a fear that we thought we would never live in, but we must not allow this fear to be a breeding ground for hatred,” said the prime minister. He called on people to end hatred and anger. He also pointed to the Constitution of the Slovak Republic and the guarantee of basic freedoms and rights of all without distinction. Heger also said that he contacted the head of SIS Michal Aláč in the morning with questions about why the secret services did not deal with the attacker’s radical statuses, which he shared on the social network months before his death. According to him, he still doesn’t have the answers. “Inventory and checks must be done in all components,” he stated. Updated 11:45 a.m. Political parties in connection with Wednesday’s (October 12) attack in the center of Bratislava, in which two people were murdered, reject hatred towards minorities. They condemned the act and called for greater tolerance. They also associate the fact with polarization in society. They appeal to politicians not to spread hatred. At the same time, they express their sincere condolences to the bereaved. Updated 11:30 Special prosecutor Daniel Lipšic is also present at the place where the attacker’s body was found. It is the Jaský rad location in Bratislava. According to him, the likely motive for Wednesday’s tragic shooting in Bratislava was hatred of people of a different race or sexual orientation. “So far, the probable motive for this act is hatred towards persons of a different race, a different sexual orientation. I am afraid that similar acts will not continue, because words have their own weight,” Lipšic explained. According to him, the investigation is in the initial phase and actions are being taken that could clarify the shooter’s motive. VIDEO Daniel Lipšic provided more information about the shooting on Zámocká Street and its perpetrator “At this moment, other persons are being interrogated, evidence is being secured. Other invasive and procedural actions will be taken so that this act can be investigated as comprehensively as possible,” added the special prosecutor . So far, according to him, there is no indication that the shooter knew his victims. He added that the police were looking for the shooter after the deed and were able to locate him. “Before he was detained, he probably committed suicide,” he added. “We monitor various Internet forums in great detail, precisely so that a similar attack can be prevented in the future. It is never 100 percent. There are various anonymous forums where it is very difficult to find out the identity of the people who communicate,” he added. According to him, a lot of people on the Internet communicate hate speech, but they don’t go out of their way to carry it out. Updated 10:40 a.m. Comenius University reported on the social network that one of the victims was their student. Specifically, it concerns Matúš Horváth, who studied at the Faculty of Arts. “The second sad news is that the motive for the murder, according to available information, was hatred. It’s scary how far the spread of hatred against people who are guilty of being different can go. It’s even scarier when someone scores political points on such hatred. This must not continue! We express our sincere condolences to the bereaved. If you want to join, the condolence book will be available in the vestibule of the historical building on Šafárik Square,” they added. The perpetrator was found dead “We can reassure the public that they are not in danger of another attack by the shooter from Zámocká Street in Bratislava. This morning, the police found the shooter. He is dead,” she said. According to the police, procedural actions are currently underway. The shooting in the center of Bratislava took place on Wednesday after 7:00 p.m. Two men died on the spot. One woman was injured and was taken to one of the Bratislava hospitals. The perpetrator fled the scene. The police intensively searched for him, using dog handlers, a boat and a helicopter. The case is being investigated by the National Crime Agency. Even if we are silent, we are acting, say the police. Shortly after 10 a.m., the police thanked all the people on social media who helped them find the right trail for the perpetrator of this heinous act. “We have to remind everyone again and again: don’t hesitate to call 158. Saying something only on social media may not be helpful. Thank you! The police are acting from the first moments. The physical presence of our uniformed colleagues on the streets has undoubtedly been noticed by many all night,” they wrote. As they explained afterwards, not only uniformed lawmen work on the case, but in addition to securing traces in the field, they also work in another way, while the investigators follow procedures that are firmly enshrined in the Criminal Code. “Due to the ongoing investigation, as well as tactics, we cannot comment further, therefore we cannot even defend ourselves when any “guaranteed” news regarding our activities appears at this time. Therefore, please understand our silence at this stage. Of course, among its main priorities is to find out the motive of the perpetrator. In order for us as the Police Force to be able to publish his motive, it is necessary to complete the necessary actions,” they pointed out on the social network, adding that the Police Force maintains zero tolerance for any form of violence, bullying or hatred . He reported the crime on a social network. The police intensively searched for the man all night. She worked with the version that the attacker was a man who shared anti-Semitic and racist messages on Twitter, as well as a nearly 70-page manifesto against Jews and the LGBTI community. In it, the author calls for violence against these communities and people whom he considers enemies of the white race. The manifesto also describes himself as a young man from Slovakia, born in 2003, and his motivation, which leads him to the attack. On Wednesday morning, he subsequently wrote on the aforementioned account that “I have already made up my mind”. Shortly after the shooting, he again published several posts that indicate that he is the one behind the murder of two young people. The highest constitutional officials also commented on the tragic event. President Zuzana Čaputová wrote that she has been warning for a long time that even words are a weapon. “For three years I have been saying that even words are a weapon. That we politicians are responsible for every single word we utter. Despite this, many here recklessly fill the space with hatred. I am angry that even some prosecutors and judges do not attach importance to verbal crimes and do not consider them too dangerous,” she warned. She called on public officials not to incite intolerance with their statements, and on judicial authorities to take action. In conclusion, she stated that as a society we must overcome hatred and evil together. The Chairman of the National Council (NR) of the SR Boris Kollár (We are a family) condemned the double murder of young people, which took place on Wednesday (October 12) evening in the center of Bratislava. “It is unacceptable for society or individuals to behave in such a hateful manner towards anyone,” he said on the social network. He expressed his sincere condolences to the bereaved and grieving families. I condemn yesterday’s double murder of young people. It is unacceptable for society or individuals to behave in such a hateful manner towards anyone. My sincere condolences to the bereaved and grieving families. Posted by Boris Kollar on Thursday, October 13, 2022 Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽANO) harshly condemned Wednesday’s (October 12) attack in the center of Bratislava, in which two people died. As he emphasized, no form of extremism is permissible. “If I say that Slovakia is a free and democratic country, I mean it. It is unacceptable that anyone should fear for their life because of their way of life,” he said on the social network. He expressed his sincere condolences to the relatives of the victims.

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