LIVE – Fuels: requisition of TotalEnergie personnel on the Dunkirk site – BFM Business

12:46A targeted device of 1.7 billion euros for “post-rebate” Asked about a possible extension of the rebate proposed by the government on the price of a liter of fuel, Bruno Le Maire confirmed that the rebate is would stop at the end of December. However, the government is indeed considering a measure that would succeed it in order to help the most affected motorists: “If ever prices were to continue to increase, we have planned a relief system which is targeted at those who are obliged to take their car to go to work, underlined the Minister of Economy and Finance. This emergency device exists and is financed. We have provided an envelope of 1.7 billion euros in the draft budget 2023. ” 12:27 The point at 12 o’clock: what should we remember? • The strike has been renewed since this morning on all the sites of TotalEnergies and Esso-ExxonMobil. • The government is initiating the requisition of personnel from the Dunkirk depot of TotalEnergies, in addition to the Port-Jérôme refinery. • A TotalEnergies employee in Flanders claims to have been requisitioned directly at home, according to a testimony. • TotalEnergies is offering a 6% increase for its employees in 2023. Other proposal on of the company: a bonus for all employees in the world up to one month’s salary. • The CGT is preparing to announce a new day of mobilization next week. The union calls for the strike to be extended to the entire energy sector. 11:59 An employee of the TotalEnergies depot in Mardyck requisitioned to his home was the subject of a requisition directly at his home this Thursday morning. “An employee called us this morning. The gendarmes requisitioned him from his home in front of his family. It is unacceptable ! This employee was not even supposed to work today, he was not on the schedules, “said the northern daily Clément Mortier, union representative of Force Ouvrière. 11:32 Shortage of fuel: Bruno Le Maire complains about the professional sectors which ” do not need that “The Minister of Economy and Finance received Thursday morning all the professional sectors on the issue of energy prices. According to figures from France Industrie, the secondary sector should record a 10% reduction in its production in the fourth quarter due to the rise in electricity and gas prices, to which is now added the shortage of fuels. “As the professionals present today would say, they do not need these structural difficulties of gas and electricity prices to be added to blockages on fuel depots, indicated Bruno Le Maire at a press conference. “We don’t need that and we want the blockages to be lifted as soon as possible” to sum up the state of mind of many SMEs, business leaders and all agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors. de France.”10:54 Fuels: requisition of TotalEnergie personnel on the Dunkirk site The requisition of personnel was initiated on the Dunkirk site to be effective at 2 p.m., according to a government source. always on the fact that the dialogue can resume in the next few hours between the management of the company and the representatives of the employees.10:03TotalEnergies proposes 6% increase for its employees in 2023TotalEnergies puts on the table a salary increase inflation: 6% in 2023. If TotalEnergies seems to be taking a step towards its striking employees through this press release, the company’s management nevertheless recalls that “the conditions are not met to organize negotiations between the representative organizations, the CGT having decided to maintain the blockages.””In addition to the bonus for employees worldwide (of one month’s salary), TotalEnergies also indicates that it has proposed (for France) a salary increase envelope on the basis of the inflation 2022, i.e. 6%”, indicated the group’s communication. 9:44 The CGT calls for the strike to be extended to the entire energy sector r wages to “the entire energy sector”, she announces. “The FNME-CGT calls for the extension of the strike in all energy companies”, announced the federation, which recalls that movements affected part of the nuclear power plants on Thursday subject to work or maintenance operations. Esso-ExxonMobil, including that of Port-Jérôme, concerned by staff requisitions. 9:09 Philippe Martinez: “the average salary of a Total operator is 2,600 euros net”! The Secretary General of the CGT returned to the revelation of the salaries of TotalEnergies employees.” The employees were falsely accused of receiving 5,000 euros per month. It is still a provocation to divide the French between them”, he estimated on BFMTV / RMC. And Philippe Martinez to put forward his own figures: “in the petrochemical branch, there are three branches of the grid of salary]which start below the Smic.” According to him, the average salary of an operator is 2600 euros net per month. 8:53 Philippe Martinez will propose a new day of strike next week The leader of the CGT affirms on BFMTV / RMC that the decision of an interprofessional call to strike will be taken during the day. “We are going to propose a new call to strike in all public companies”, affirms Philippe Martinez this morning. This day of strike and demonstrations could be held Tuesday, October 18, day of mobilization of professional high schools. More information here. 8:46 “You are doing a bullshit”: Philippe Martinez deplored the requisitions to Matignon of the workers on strike “set fire to the powder”: “The fact that the government is requisitioning employees at Esso-ExxonMobil has not helped to appease the social climate.””When Madame Borne and her cabinet told me that ‘they were going to requisition employees, I told them: “You’re being stupid”. More information here.8:41 In response to the announcement by TotalEnergies, Philippe Martinez calls for real negotiation guest of the Face to Face of BFMTV and RMC this Thursday morning. He reacted to the announcement by TotalEnergies of the allocation of an exceptional bonus representing one month’s salary to all of its employees worldwide. For Philippe Martinez, this announcement does not respond to the demands of the trade unions: “Since the beginning of this conflict on September 27 at Total, the employees have been asking for general salary increases. A negotiation is not an announcement from the CEO to the radio or on TV. We sit around the table because there is a problem, we discuss and we find a solution.”8:38 Fuels: towards targeted aid for motorists? Bruno Le Maire affirms that the government “will not extend the rebate” on the price of fuel beyond the initial date, at the end of 2022. The Minister of the Economy thus returns to his idea of ​​targeted aid for households, on RTL this morning. This is a check paid “depending on the level of income” for those who are forced to use their car to go to work. Bruno Le Maire does not specify the ceiling that could be set.8: 24Agnès Pannier-Runacher on RMC: “Total must increase salaries”Agnès Pannier – Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, was this morning invited on RMC: “Total must increase wages. Now is the time to put your promise in place. (…) I call for a salary increase because we need it. Inflation means that employees need to be increased today. Total must implement these increases, they have the means to do so.”8:24TotalEnergies will award an exceptional bonus of one month’s salary to all its employeesA few minutes after Bruno Le Maire called on TotalEnergies to grant a salary increase , the oil group has announced the allocation of an exceptional bonus representing one month’s salary to all of its employees worldwide. More information here. 8:24 Bruno Le Maire calls on the CGT to “clarify its position” : “The blocking of the whole country is unacceptable” The Minister of Economy and Finance speaks directly to the CGT, the second union of the TotalEnergies group. “What does the CGT want? salary negotiations? It is acceptable. Blocking the whole country? It is perfectly unacceptable”, declared Bruno Le Maire on RTL. He calls on the union center to “clarify its position” and again asks the stakeholders to come around the table. And brandishes the threat of requisitions on the of Total.”The requisitions, it’s long but it will be done”, he announces.8:08Fuels: strike renewed at TotalEnergies on the 5 production sitesThe strike movement is renewed in all the sites of the group TotalEnergies.Four refineries are concerned: Gonfreville-l’Orcher (Seine-Maritime), Donges (Loire-Atlantique), Feyzin (Rhône), La Mède (Bouches-du-Rhône) and a depot. a very large majority” this Thursday morning, indicates the CGT, the day after the failure of discussions with management. 7:59 For Bruno Le Maire, “it is obvious that Total has the capacity to increase salaries” The Minister of Economy and Finance was the guest of the RTL morning during which he reaffirmed his priority Current rity: “I hope that Total finds a wage agreement.” The boss of Bercy considers that the oil giant has the means to apply a wage increase: “All companies that can must raise wages. It is obvious that Total has the capacity to increase salaries and the means to increase profit-sharing in proportions that they will negotiate. TotalEnergies strikers categorically refused management’s request to resume fuel deliveries this morning at 5:00 a.m.
A prerequisite for the opening of all wage negotiations for the time being.
At the end of the meeting at La Défense at the group’s headquarters, the CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies Europe committee spoke. “We consulted the strikers and it is a massive categorical refusal, the employees do not want this requirement to negotiate.” The dialogue remains blocked after all the same a first step of the direction towards the strikers, because earlier in the day, the direction had accepted for the first time to receive the CGT, second union of the group. 7:28FO joins the movement: “The requisitions are not acceptable” according to the secretary generalGuest of the morning of Franceinfo, Frédéric Souillot spoke about the rallying of Force Ouvrière (FO) to the strike movement in the French refineries. “The unions decide when they want to go or not and the requisitions are not acceptable”, he justified, arguing that the refineries are not linked to a mission of general interest and public service. the organization also intends to act in the face of these requisitions: “First of all, we put a law firm that is used to it in the starting blocks. Like the CGT, we are going to go to urgent proceedings hour by hour to make stop these requisitions.” Saying he was open to negotiations, Frédéric Souillot also deplored the delay in the management of TotalEnergies to agree to discuss. TotalEnergies at La Défense, the strikers firmly refused a proposal to release deliveries early Thursday morning, as a condition for opening in the wake of wage negotiations. “It is a massive categorical refusal, they (the employees) do not take this requirement to negotiate,” Thierry Defresne, CGT secretary of the TotalEnergies Europe committee, told AFP. TotalEnergies for its part confirmed “the negative outcome of the night’s discussions”.

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