What is sleep apnea suffered by Jorge Javier Vázquez and 5 million Spaniards: symptoms and treatment

The presenter suffers from it in a “severe” state, so he has to sleep connected to an oxygen “machine” (CPAP), reveals in his blog of Readings We explain what this sleep disorder that affects more men (22%) consists of than women, and where 80% of cases are undiagnosed“I have been diagnosed with severe apnea, so I will have to sleep with a machine. I celebrate it”. This is how Jorge Javier Vázquez communicated, this Tuesday in his blog of Lecturas, that he suffers from this sleep disorder, with which many will feel identified, since it is estimated that 22% of men suffer from it and 17% of women (between 5 and 7 million Spaniards), although it is believed that there may be close to 80% of undiagnosed cases. The presenter of Save me has been detected after many tests and analysis. A fan, even this Pope knows that, he drives fachas crazy and falls in love with people of as good will as I. And another thing is that it can’t be that I keep snoring like I do. On the Brussels-Kigali flight a lady turned to detect who was making such scandalous sounds. It was me”, Jorge Javier relates about this disorder, without losing his usual sense of humour: “I have come to snore seeing the immense Rosa Maria Sardà. Whoever suffers from apnea knows what I feel I mean. You get so silly at the most inappropriate moments It seems that you have plugged in a small portion of Propofol, that sedative that took Michael Jackson ahead, “he wrote in his Reading column. Jorge Javier Vazquez presents Pronokal at The Principal Hotel in Madrid.Atilano GarciaWhat is severe obstructive sleep apnea?Sleep apnea (SAHS: sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) is a disorder that causes a pause in breathing for about 10 seconds, sometimes every hour during sleep. It is one of the most common breathing disorders that occur during sleep, affecting 38% of adults. It is also known as hypersomnia and periodic breathing syndrome (SHRP), and Pickwickian syndrome when associated with obesity. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when the muscles that support the soft tissues in the throat, such as the tongue and soft palate, temporarily relax. When these muscles relax, the airway narrows or closes and breathing stops for a moment. Why does apnea occur? It is due to repeated episodes of upper airway obstruction or collapse that occur while the person is sleeping. The affected person sleeps, because the airway narrows, becomes blocked or flexible. This involuntary interruption of sleep produces a decrease in oxygen levels and an increase in the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood, as well as a small awakening, often subconscious (arousal), which allows normal breathing to resume until it occurs. the next episode. Most apneas occur during the first and second stages of sleep, which represent a transition between wakefulness and sleep. It is in the third and fourth stage when the patient rests. However, it is in the fifth stage, when dreams occur and the muscles are completely relaxed and atonic, that the longest apneas occur. 20220607 SOC APNEA Tetra Images Snoring is a normal consequence of sleep apnea. When breathing returns to normal, the patient reacts with a loud snore or a sound similar to what a person makes when choking. How do you know if it’s mild or severe? The apnea can have different severity, depending on the frequency of the pauses. It is considered “mild” if the breaks occur between 10 and 20 times per hour; moderate if they occur between 20 and 30 times per hour; and severe, like Jorge Javier’s, if they occur more than 30 times per hour. What factors favor sleep apnea? Some people are more prone to sleep apnea than others. Among them, those who suffer from mandibular retrognathism (when there is a big difference in size between the lower and upper jaw); people with a very large bell, soft palate, tongue, or neck, or a very small maxilla and mandible; having suffered from tonsils or vegetations as a child; obesity and sleeping on their back. Why do more men than women suffer from it? Due to a hormonal issue, since women have a protective factor that, however, is lost at menopause, where the incidence is equal. What are the symptoms of apnea? The effects of apnea in the daily life of the patient are translated into excessive sleepiness or chronic fatigue during the day; respiratory, cardiovascular, psychological and intellectual disorders (difficulty in attention-concentration, depression, anxiety, mood swings, headache and irritability). Granada scientists achieve a cure for obstructive sleep apnea: “I have been reborn” Europa Press How to detect it? On many occasions, a person is not aware of their episodes of apnea during the night, so the partner, who can monitor the strange movements of the patient, is essential for its detection. It is also important to be aware of the level of oxygen saturation in the blood, as this can also be a symptom of another possible disease. Devices to measure saturation are sold on Amazon, with a price that ranges between 15 and 30 euros. To make a correct diagnosis of apnea, a sleep study is carried out, called polysomnography or cardiorespiratory polygraphy, where the flow is recorded of air, ventilatory effort, blood oxygenation, heart rate and the phases of sleep through which the patient passes. Cvirus.- COVID and respiratory patients, protagonists at the XXVIII Congress of the Valencian Society of Pulmonology telecinco.es What is the machine that minimizes it like? The “little machine” that Jorge Javier Vázquez refers to is a device called CPAP, which pumps air under pressure, connected to a tube with a face mask into the airway. Its price, for a complete set, is around 1,000 euros, although there are more affordable options. This mask helps to make nighttime snoring and daytime sleepiness disappear. This treatment does not usually have serious side effects, but it is addictive in patients who, once they try it, find it difficult to sleep without it. That is why it is only recommended for people diagnosed with sleep apnea. Researchers manage to reduce the severity of sleep apnea by 30%. or who have mild apnea, there is another simpler alternative, a mandibular adjustment and advancement device (MAD). Its placement increases the pharyngeal area and prevents the collapse of the airway during sleep. What aggravates the apnea? It is recommended that the patient change his lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and medications that relax the nervous system such as sedatives; eat a healthy diet that allows you to lose weight, stop smoking and force yourself to sleep on your side. There are also surgical procedures that widen the airway. The latest discoveries As NIUS has already informed you, Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR), together with professionals from the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital, have managed to cure this ailment for the first time in the world. showing that it is not a chronic disease, as was thought, and that it can remit in 62 percent of cases. It is an eight-week treatment, based on food and exercise.

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