Next week brings rain and one last rise in temperatures before the possible end of the summer

The uncertainty since Tuesday is high, with two possible scenarios: more rain and cooler, or less rain and a lot of heat The temperatures in the coming days will be high for the time The weather forecast for next week in Spain depends on a large area of depression in the Atlantic that will probably be located to the northeast of the Azores Islands. Depending on its final position, the effects in Spain will be different, especially in terms of temperatures: if it stays too far away, we could be very hot for this time of year, according to meteorologists from In the immediate future, During the afternoon of Saturday, a cold front will slowly penetrate the west of the peninsula, affecting Galicia, as well as areas of Portugal. They will be rains of some relevance, but very restricted to the aforementioned areas. It will be during the afternoon of Sunday, and especially on Monday when instability increases in the country. In the Canary Islands there could be some light rains during the weekend in the north of the islands with greater relief. Widespread storms for Monday From the south, a DANA will rejoin the general circulation, generalizing instability in the country. During the day on Monday, therefore, storms and showers will occur throughout the territory. The most important storms will be concentrated in the northwest of the country, where they could be strong and leave significant accumulations of precipitation. They will also be relevant in the interior of the peninsula, especially in the central area and interior east. Where they would be less relevant, in principle, is on the Mediterranean coasts and in the southwest of the country. One last rise in temperatures before the end of summer. What would happen the following days? There is uncertainty, although it is beginning to be seen that during Tuesday and Wednesday the atmosphere would remain stable. It would be from Thursday when various scenarios open: there are meteorological models that bet on an approximation of the low, which would bring abundant rains to the much-needed Atlantic slope. However, other models bet on anchoring the storm in the Atlantic, without almost affecting us beyond the arrival of some front to the western end and some storms. However, the most important aspect of this whole situation will be the temperatures. Already during the final stretch of the current week, these will be above what would be normal on these dates. During the weekend, the maximum temperatures will reach or be around 30ºC in areas of Andalusia, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha, the Basque Country, the Ebro Valley and other eastern areas. In cities such as Córdoba it could exceed 32ºC, while in Madrid , for example, the maximum will stay around 26ºC, like Valladolid. At night the temperatures will be mild for the season. It will only drop below 10ºC in inland areas, especially in the northern plateau. On Monday, with the storms, the temperatures would be lower where the cloudiness was present. However, will summer continue afterwards? Although on Tuesday we could have a rise in temperatures, from then on the uncertainty is maximum. Today, two main scenarios are contemplated. The first of them would imply that the Atlantic storm would remain anchored, and that the peninsula would therefore remain at the mercy of the ridge. If this were the case, the warm air driven by the flow from the south between the low and the dorsal would trigger temperatures, and the maximum could approach 35ºC in southern areas and 30ºC in much of the country. In the second scenario , the storm would advance somewhat further east. This, apart from allowing the arrival of more generous rains, would allow the air mass over a good part of the country to be of Atlantic origin as of Wednesday. Being a warmer air mass, it would allow the thermometers to approach values ​​more in line with the time.

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