TPMP: Cyril Hanouna reacts to the controversy around Daily life after Pascal Praud’s rant on the TMC show (VIDEO)

It is a sequence that has caused a lot of talk and that Pascal Praud did not fail to comment on. This Wednesday, October 12, on the CNews set, the presenter settled his accounts with Daily, the program presented by Yann Barthès. In a report broadcast the day before, his teams returned to the comments made by Brigitte Milhau in a chronicle around cocaine, summarizing her intervention only with this sentence: “Cocaine is nice, in small doses”. Something to annoy Pascal Praud: “Daily triturates, manipulates and makes you say, as has sometimes happened on our antenna, the opposite of what you wanted to specify on the antenna”, he let go. And to continue: “These people are frighteningly dishonest”. “How can we be so dishonest?” This Wednesday, October 12, Cyril Hanouna received Brigitte Milhau in Touche pas à mon poste on C8. The presenter first clarified that the sentence taken up by Daily on TMC was “without showing what she said before and after”. It is this, according to him, which had the effect of creating this “enormous bad buzz”. Brigitte Milhau, she denounced the editing, restoring the truth about the message she wanted to convey in her column. “At no time am I talking about cocaine. I am talking about neurotransmitters […] This hatred of the channel, CNews, pushes them to make professional mistakes. How can you make a montage, be so dishonest? […] I found it insane, pathetic”, she said. The continuation under this advertisement The producer of Daily contacted by Brigitte MilhauComments which made Cyril Hanouna react: “If you were on LCI, it would not have happened like that. It’s just because you’re on the Canal group”, he told him. The presenter of Touche not at my post then returned to Pascal Praud’s rant. He took the opportunity to address directly to Yann Barthès. “He may be an artist, but Canal+ is a company. If he had seen Canal+’s figures at the end of the year, I can tell you that Canal+’s net result was complicated,” he said. In the rest of the show, Brigitte Milhau revealed having called the producer of Daily newspaper to explain. A call remained unanswered. Does she plan to attack them? “I think. For the moment, I am very upset, I will calm down“, she replied. Do not touch my post, to be found in full on the myCANAL application.

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