PSG “digital army”: Mbappé able to request a breach of contract? – RMC Sports

The case of fake Twitter accounts mentioned by Mediapart this Wednesday could have big consequences if it is proven. The contract linking Paris-Saint-Germain and Kylian Mbappé could notably be broken. Explanations. Can Mediapart’s revelations about PSG and its supposed “digital army” allow Kylian Mbappé to free himself from his contract? As published earlier today, the French international striker, like his entourage, rose following the publication on Wednesday of the Mediapart investigations, feeling, a little more, betrayed by a club which did not already not kept its summer promises.>> Mbappé malaise at PSG: all the information LIVE If the published elements prove to be true, the Parisian number 7 could then free himself from his contract with PSG. “Each of the parties bound by an employment contract is subject to an obligation of loyalty which is the equivalent of the obligation of good faith existing in all contracts, begins Tatiana Vassine, a lawyer specializing in sports law. This obligation requires that the employee, like the employer, perform their obligations towards each other in a fair manner, and obviously without harming the other.” A breach of loyalty? However, the use of these accounts, if they were instrumentalized by the club in order to harm the image of the player, would represent a breach of loyalty. “Professional players are bound to their club by a fixed-term employment contract, recalls the lawyer. This type of contract can only be broken in specific cases such as serious misconduct. For example, it has been retained in cases physical or verbal violence or abuse of freedom of expression. If it were proven and attributable to the employer, therefore the club, it would in my opinion be serious enough to justify a breach of contract.”Le Paris-Saint -Germain would then be in “the obligation to pay the employee all the wages due until the end of the contract.” A contract that Kylian Mbappé has extended until 2024 plus an optional year. It remains to be seen who will decide on the nature of the fault. “In the event of litigation, it would be up to bodies such as the industrial tribunal or the legal commission of the LFP to decide this point in view of the elements appearing in the file. They are the ones who have the last word”, specifies Me Tatiana Vassina. If the contract is terminated, Paris-Saint-Germain could however challenge serious misconduct and breach of contract.

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