War in Ukraine, fuel shortage, Iran: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s speech – CNEWS

Emmanuel Macron gave a long interview to our colleagues from France 2 this Wednesday. Conflict in Ukraine, fuel shortage, Iran… Here is what to remember from the Head of State’s speech. Military equipment for Ukraine While Russia has carried out intensive bombardments over the past two days throughout Ukrainian territory, the President of the Republic announced that France was going to deliver anti-aircraft defense systems to Ukraine “ We will deliver radars, systems and anti-aircraft missiles to protect Ukrainians from attacks, in particular to protect them from drone attacks,” he said. The French president also repeated that France was considering delivering additional Caesar guns to Ukraine. “We have delivered 18 since the start of the war, we are working on the delivery of six additional guns with Denmark,” he said. Alexander Lukashenko warned Emmanuel Macron has warned that his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko will have “problems” if he engages further in the war in Ukraine on the side of Russia. “If President Lukashenko decides to commit himself even more to this war, he will do so against the advice of a large part of his people and he will do so by taking on a responsibility which, I think, will not be without problems,” he warned. A return of Vladimir Putin to the negotiating table Emmanuel Macron also urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to “come back around the discussion table”. “Vladimir Putin must end this war, respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and return to the discussion table”, declared the Head of State, reproaching his counterpart for having made the “choice” to “to install” Europe “in the war” with its missile strikes of the last days and the mobilization to reinforce its army. The French president who, despite criticism, including from Ukraine, has never broken off the dialogue with the master of the Kremlin since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, assured that he would continue to speak to him “every time that will be necessary”. Fuel shortage: soon a return to normal, according to Emmanuel Macron If the interview was largely devoted to international issues, Emmanuel Macron however mentioned the situation in France, with the fuel shortage. He thus assured that the situation would “return to normal” in the distribution of fuels “in the course of the coming week”. The Head of State again called on the management of TotalEnergies and the CGT for “responsibility”, hoping that the union would “allow the country to function”. Emmanuel Macron insisted that it was “social dialogue” between management and unions to resolve disputes. “But I say it very clearly: if the social dialogue does not succeed in the next few hours, we will requisition”, he warned. Support for Iranian demonstrators While a wave of strongly repressed protests has shaken Iran for nearly a month, Emmanuel Macron assured that France stood “alongside” Iranian demonstrators. “France very clearly condemns the repression carried out today by the Iranian regime,” he said. The president did not hide his “admiration” for the “women” and the “young people” who have been demonstrating since the death of Mahsa Amini, three days after his arrest by the morality police in Tehran. Emmanuel Macron has also described as “hostages”, the five French people currently detained in the country.

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