Politics – Fuels, Ukraine, nuclear… Here are Emmanuel Macron’s main announcements on France 2 – La Montagne

Questioned by Caroline Roux, alone on the set to question her, the President of the Republic, immediately raised the Ukrainian question. “Since the start of the war, we have delivered a lot of missiles and those famous Caesar guns. And we are going to continue. We have delivered 18 of them, we are going to deliver 6 more. And we are also going to deliver radars and missiles to protect from these attacks. On the nuclear threat, the president recalled that Russia, like France, was equipped with this weapon. “There is a simple rule. We have a doctrine: deterrence works, but then the less we talk about it, the less we agitate the threat, the more credible we are.”
He also spoke of a hybrid war, referring in particular to the attack on the Nordstream gas pipeline. “We don’t just use weapons and war on the ground, but also the informational weapon. Russia is spreading propaganda.” On his relations with Vladimir Putin, the President recalled the importance of maintaining relations. “Whenever necessary, I will talk to Vladimir Putin again.” He had previously mentioned his last meeting, “a few weeks ago, to help protect the Zaporijjia power plant”. He assured that he had convinced him to accept a mission of experts from the IAEA on the Zaporijjia power plant, then occupied by Russian forces, and since in annexed territory. Why Belarus is increasingly going to war: five questions to understand The resolution of the conflict will go through negotiations For Emmanuel Macron, the resolution of this conflict will go through negotiations. “At some point, it will be in Ukraine’s and Russia’s interest to come back to the table and negotiate,” he insisted. “Negotiating does not mean giving up, but we must do everything to bring peace back.” Emmanuel Macron (About Vladimir Putin and the Ukrainian conflict) Caroline Roux then directed the debate around economic sanctions, asking the President of the Republic if the various sanction shields were effective. “It’s working: Russia is deeply destabilized.” Evoking a Europe which has been “too dependent on Russian gas”, Russia having made it “an instrument of war”, Emmanuel Macron called for “a profound change in the European electricity market, with, for French, electricity that no longer depends on gas “Fuels: back to normal within a week While France is very affected by a shortage of fuels, the highly anticipated subject was of course mentioned. Wanting to be reassuring , he indicated that a return to normal was expected “in the course of the coming week”. Requisitions, “strike profiteers”, soaring prices, planed rebates: questions and answers on the fuel crisis Calling for the responsibility of all, but also committed to ensuring that social dialogue lives, “I am for negotiation, not for blocking”, the Head of State recalled on this subject that “if social dialogue does not lead to the next few hours, we will requisition”, launching a message to the CGT, asking him to “allow the country to function.” Nuclear objectives about to be achieved Still on the energy side, the President of the Republic was questioned about the social movements underway on certain nuclear sites, which could delay the restart of certain reactors. “We are at 30 reactors out of 56 that are in operation. We will increase in the coming weeks to around 40. The objective is to increase to 45 in January. This objective, everything indicates that we will keep it” Emmanuel Macron (empty) A nuclear on which the Head of State is counting, in particular to definitively turn his back on coal-fired power stations, by 2050. “In our Europe, if we want to succeed in winning the climate battle, we must not there are almost no more in Europe”, he hammered. “Macron realizes that he risks having cold feet this winter”: in Moselle, the rebirth of a coal-fired power station “We will all get there together”, he concludes In this program entitled “Le monde en crisis”, Emmanuel Macron was then questioned about certain other theaters of world conflict: Armenia in particular, and especially Iran. He condemned, in the name of France, “the repression carried out by the Iranian regime, it is a sovereign people who demand their freedom”. On the demonstrations which continue in Iran, following the death of Mahsa Amini, he paid tribute to “these young men, these young women, carry the universalism of our values”. When concluding, the President of the Republic called on the French not to let go: “It’s hard, I know, it’s often a source of anxiety, but we have strengths. We have a social model that is there. We need to be a great productive and industrial force,” he said. Emmanuel Macron will face Caroline Roux again in two weeks, on October 26, still on France 2, to discuss domestic policy issues. Maxime Escot