Budget: MPs vote for a tax on super-dividends, against government advice

The National Assembly adopted an amendment tabled by the elected MoDem and supported by LFI and the RN. 227 deputies voted for, 88 against. New defeat for the government in the National Assembly. MEPs voted for an amendment tabled by Jean-Paul Mattei, president of the MoDem group, aimed at introducing a 35% “flat tax” on super-dividends paid 20% higher than the average income distributed between 2017 and 2021 within a company. “It’s a good guideline on which we must move forward,” said the chairman of the finance committee, the rebellious Eric Coquerel. Minister Gabriel Attal, for his part, explained that the government “worked on a European system” and wanted to refer the discussion to another article of the finance bill, and therefore gave an unfavorable opinion. “For three years, France has once again become the most attractive country for foreign investments in Europe (…) I am simply alerting to the signal effect of devices which would come to confuse this policy put in place and which is bearing fruit”, launched the minister in particular. The divided presidential majority 227 parliamentarians voted for this amendment ment, and 88 against. In detail, RN and Nupes (LFI, PCF, EELV and PS) voted for. The presidential majority split, with the MoDem obviously voting for and Renaissance being divided: 19 members of the presidential party supported the establishment of this tax, including Freddy Sertin, substitute for Elisabeth Borne. “The macronie scattered like a puzzle …” quipped the rebellious deputy Alexis Corbière on Twitter. -3?” he asks. Because in the National Assembly, we no longer wonder “if” but “when” this article of the Constitution will be drawn by the government, which would make it possible to pass the budget without a vote of the deputies.