Julien Bayou affair: Sandrine Rousseau “does not regret anything. If I have to leave politics for that, it would be – LaDepeche.fr

The EELV deputy for Paris, Sandrine Rousseau, behind the accusations against Julien Bayou, “regrets absolutely nothing”, she declared on France 3, while this affair is creating a stir in her party and the political class. Sandrine Rousseau who accused Julien Bayou, ex-national secretary of EELV, of psychological violence against his former companion spoke for the first time since his revelations, this Sunday, October 3. The one who is the standard bearer of the feminist fight assured France 3 that she would go to greet Julien Bayou during their reunion at the National Assembly. “There is no problem with doing it and having it sit on the benches of the Assembly as long as there is no conclusion from the internal cell of EELV (…) I did not call on him to resign”. Sandrine Rousseau also said that she would continue to sit in the environmental group in Parliament. “The decision that he did not speak was the right one” The deputy, however, wished that Julien Bayou always stand back from EELV in the media. “The decision that he did not speak was the right one. The fundamental question is how do we protect the words of women so that they can speak with confidence. When we speak at the microphone in the Assembly that can impress those who would like to speak (…) It creates an imbalance with women to whom we do not hand a microphone”, explains Sandrine Rousseau. The elected EELV affirms that the internal cell of the party in charge of violence against women will deliver its conclusions very soon. “In a month or two,” she says. “I regret absolutely nothing” Regarding the attacks that have targeted her since she spoke on the program “C à vous” on France 5, on September 19, Sandrine Rousseau is categorical: “I regret absolutely nothing. We were accused on the left not to be transparent, transparency was needed. I protect the fight of women (…) my situation is becoming extremely difficult. I will not give up even if it would play against me (…) identifies as the one who poses a problem. If I have to leave politics for that, it would be an honor. But I reassure women, I will stay. The fight for women is my priority, “says the MP for Paris to our colleagues. “Not aware” of the pressures put on Bayou Asked about the pressures undergone by Julien Bayou from an informal feminist collective within EELV, as revealed by Liberation, Sandrine Rousseau assures him: “I don’t was not aware, I read the article and it was not a surveillance. This article is problematic on the merits (…), there are women who have spoken to each other and who have felt that it was necessary to protect other women. Women have talked to each other since the dawn of time about men who can put them in danger”. In this regard, MP EELV recalled that Emmanuel Macron, when choosing Gérald Darmanin as Minister of the Interior in 2020 when he was the subject of an investigation for rape, had explained that there had been “a man-to-man relationship of trust”. On the subject of the attacks coming from the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, Sandrine Rousseau replies by affirming that the latter “has continued to discredit feminist struggles”. “Where is his record on the subject?” she wonders.