The polls heat the vote for the US legislative elections

The Republicans are ahead of tight resultsThe economy and abortion are the issues that determine the voteThe legislative or midterm elections will be next November 8The legislative or midterm elections on November 8 are approaching and the polls begin to become a star element. At least in the weeks prior to elections that are already beginning to focus their results on the evolution of the economy and inflation, by Republican voters, and on abortion by Democrats. This is revealed by the latest survey carried out by the Washington Post-ABC News, which adds that 49% of registered voters prefer a Congress with a conservative majority to control Biden while 45% favor the victory of progressives in supporting the implementation of Biden’s agenda . Another recent CBS News poll also puts Republicans one point ahead of Democrats (46 percent to 45 percent) in final results, and five points ahead of Democrats (79 percent to 74 percent). . And all this in elections that will determine control of the House of Representatives and the Senate, for the next two years, and will mark the path of the 2024 presidential elections, at which time voters could have to choose again between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Something that none of them has decided yet and that will depend, to a large extent, on the results of November 2. In this sense, following the results of the Post-ABC News survey, 48% of all registered voters are leans towards Trump to the detriment of Biden, who obtained 46% support. The cause, among the voters of his own party, is the age that the current president would be at the time (82 years old at the beginning of what would be his second term). On the Republican side, his followers also do not express majority support for Trump in the event that he were the final candidate for the presidency, since they are divided between 47% who support him and 46% who would prefer someone else. What is clearer is that the economy is the engine of the conservative vote, which expresses concern about the increase in prices due to the fact that this accumulates an increase of 8.3% in the last 12 months, until August. Although some products such as gasoline have fallen substantially in price, over the past 90 days, Americans’ ability to spend has decreased. In fact, there is already talk of a possible recession assumed by the Federal Reserve, which will continue to raise interest rates to control inflation. The stock market has been affected in recent days and the declines have been significant, which could directly influence the election results if the situation does not improve in the coming weeks. Economist/YouGov, Politico/Morning Consult, NBC News, Fox News, New York Times/Siena, and Harvard-Harris are using registered voters, and their average results out to Democrats leading by 2.83 percentage points. /vM8HbSiW7p— Jim Geraghty (@jimgeraghty) September 27, 2022 Progressives, including younger women in particular, are particularly encouraged by the Supreme Court’s decision last June to revoke the right to abortion. According to the Post-ABC poll, 64% of the US population is against the ruling of the high court, with only 56% of Republicans supporting the measure. Throughout these months, the conservatives have tried to impose more restrictive against the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, in those states where they govern. They have even asked Congress for a total ban throughout the national territory. But the truth is that the progressive bases have been spurred on by this issue, which could be one of the trump cards of the Democrats for the midterm elections. Less than six weeks before some fundamental elections for the future of the North American country, citizens are prepares to vote for the representatives of the two main parties, both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, with a background economic crisis and a war on the other side of the Atlantic. And knowing that the results will determine the future candidates for the presidency of the United States, in 2024. Rarely have midterm elections been so decisive for the future of Americans and, probably, of the rest of the world.