Pere Aragonès rejects Junts’ proposal to reinstate Jordi Puigneró

The president of the Generalitat believes that Junts’ proposal is designed so as not to reach any agreementAragonès has asked Junts to make a quick and definitive decision”Junts must decide whether they are the Government or the opposition”The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès , has rejected the proposal that Junts sent him on Friday afternoon to try to redirect the crisis in the Government, which among the conditions proposes the reinstatement of Jordi Puigneró as vice president, as he explained in an interview with ‘La Vanguardia’.Junts explained on Thursday after the Executive of the formation that would transfer to Aragonès a proposal with the specifications and guarantees that the party requests on the fulfillment of the Govern agreement. Aragonès has said verbatim that it is evident that Junts’ proposal is designed not to reach any agreement and has added that “if they have a serious proposal, with the will to agree”, he will assess it. Thus, he has asked Junts to take a quick and definitive decision: “And, if they don’t, I’ll make it myself. I’ve shown that when decisions have to be made, even painful ones such as the removal of the vice president, I make them without fear because I know where to go “. “Junts must decide if they are the Government or the opposition. Many times I have had the feeling that they want to be both at the same time and that is not possible,” he added. Asked if the ERC is prepared to govern the Generalitat alone, he has said that he prefers not to advance “to events because it does not contribute to stability” and that his priority is to govern with this coalition until February 2025. Regarding the situation of the independence movement on the fifth anniversary of 1-O, he has defended that it is “essential a procedure in which the result is accepted by both parties and can be supported by the international community”. For him, the negotiation strategy with the government is a good one and he has considered that abandoning it “and not doing anything without having any alternative would be irresponsible.”