The 5 things you need to know this September 30: When and where will Ian make landfall again?

Lula da Silva or Bolsonaro? Hurricane Ian produced rainfall not recorded in 1,000 years. The successful “crossover” of the Mexican avocado to the US market. Joe Biden’s latest mistake. This is what you need to know to start the day. Truth first. 1. When and where will Ian make landfall again? After traversing the Florida panhandle, Tropical Storm Ian headed out into the Atlantic Ocean, but is forecast to make landfall again in South Carolina this Friday as a Category 1 hurricane. 2. Joe Biden’s latest mistake President Joe Biden called himself a “goof-up machine,” and his latest blunder was huge. Speaking at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health on Wednesday, Biden called Rep. Jackie Walorski to the podium … even though the Indiana Republican was killed in a car accident in early August. . Biden asks about a congresswoman who died in August 1:30 3. Russia will formalize the annexation of four occupied Ukrainian regions The Kremlin will host a ceremony this Friday in which the annexation agreements of the occupied Ukrainian territories to the Russian Federation will be signed, according to what he declared President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman told the press this Thursday. Pro-Russians announce majority in favor of joining Russia in referendums 4:18 4. Lula da Silva or Bolsonaro? There are a few days left for the first round of the elections in Brazil, where the polls give an advantage to former President Lula da Silva, whom several Brazilians would like to return as president. What do some citizens think about both candidates? Lula or Bolsonaro? This is how the candidates arrive in Brazil 3:32 5. What is the “total peace” that Petro proposes? The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, has made a total bet, which for many is risky, to risk it for the country’s peace, which he has called “total peace”, which consists of negotiating with the armed groups that for years they have caused the violence that is bleeding the nation dry, with an additional component: making the search for peace a state policy and including the communities with “binding dialogues.” At coffee time Coffee reduces the risk of heart problems and premature death Drinking two to three cups a day of most types of coffee can protect against cardiovascular disease and premature death, according to a new study. Benefits of drinking coffee for health 0:43 The successful “crossover” of the Mexican avocado to the US market A study reveals how it was that the so-called “green gold” went from being a seasonal ingredient with which tons of guacamole are made to accompany the Super Bowl to become an increasingly common and habitual product on American tables. US resumes inspection and importation of avocado from Mexico 3:21 What to do if you find yourself in the middle of a power outage from Hurricane Ian? Ian is expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain to parts of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas over the next few days, the National Hurricane Center said. If you lose power during a hurricane, here’s what you can do to stay safe. The giant panda Tuan Tuan from Taiwan suffers from a brain disease. Needs China’s help China’s famous “panda diplomacy” is now on the test after a Taiwanese giant panda suffered a life-threatening brain injury. The cause of death of Elizabeth II The cause of death of Queen Elizabeth II was her advanced age, as revealed by her death certificate published on Thursday. Britain’s longest reigning monarch, spanning seven decades, died at the age of 96 on September 8. The number of the day 1,000 years In some of the most affected places in Florida, Hurricane Ian produced rainfall not recorded in 1,000 years, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, for its acronym in English). Fast motion video shows Hurricane Ian flooding streets in Fort Myers 0:53 Quote of the day “I lived selling drugs” Don Omar’s confession to Don Francisco in the next episode of “Reflections”, this Sunday at 10 pm Miami time. And finally… The “Butter board”, the new side dish trend is on TikTok. Have you already eaten on a “butter board” or “Butter board”? CNN’s Jeanne Moos tells us about a food trend that’s sweeping not just on TikTok, but literally on the side dishes.

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