Covid Sicily, “infections will increase”. Vaccines, hypothesis restrictions

Sicily remains in the white zone and avoids the yellow zone for now, but fears and expects an increase in coronavirus infections thanks to the Delta variant and is preparing to launch special rules and measures to increase vaccinations. “I believe that in September, and especially next week, there may be a further increase in infections, but I am reasonably convinced that joining the vaccination campaign, with some of the measures that are being adopted, will show positive signs”, Ruggero Razza, regional health councilor, tells Timeline on SkyTg24. “Today, with an order from President Musumeci, we are activating centers in each of the municipalities of Sicily that have less than 60 percent of the sample vaccinated. And in these hours we are also evaluating restrictions that may affect these municipalities, with the aim of encouraging vaccination “, he adds.” I must also say that some of our initiatives, I also think about the use of some particular rules in the world of work and access to public offices, which have been the object of criticism by the guarantor of privacy – he explains -, have seen this authority not grasp the absolutely necessary spirit of measures that a Region, characterized by a low rate of adhesion to the vaccination campaign in some generational groups, it needs to introduce elements that freely convince citizens to have to vaccinate “. The Delta variant is also spreading among the youngest.” The 42 children who were hospitalized for Covid in Palermo in August. These infections, in the vast majority of cases, are due to family contacts “, he says.” At the beginning these infections were linked to returning from holidays – he adds – because the two main outbreaks that characterized Sicily, between the end of the month of July and the beginning of August were both indigenous to the events and to the returns, especially for trips to the Iberian Peninsula and some areas of Europe. In these cases we have been able to highlight many family-related Covid infections, which were born in a family environment where there was no vaccination “.” Over 90 percent of ICU admissions are hospitalizations of unvaccinated what I am doing in these weeks is to make people understand that there is no antithesis between the vaccine and the cure. It is wrong, as we often read on social networks, to put home care or vaccine diagnosis against each other “, he continues.” The vaccine is an extraordinary prevention tool – he adds -: I am convinced that by meeting the citizens, and increasing the relationship with general practitioners even more, we will be able to achieve this goal, taking into account that Sicily is the sixth region in Italy for the total number of vaccine doses that have been injected “. vaccination for the over 50s? “It is a decision that the State must begin to evaluate. Personally I have said that in some age groups the introduction of the vaccination obligation is an assumption of responsibility by the State, and perhaps it would make better than the green pass because some more controversy that led to the green certification was linked to having conveyed the feeling that we wanted to use this tool instead of compulsory vaccination “.

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