The three points of the Government’s fiscal package that the PP says they have copied

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, assesses from Vigo the Government’s fiscal packageTarekGénova assures that the exemption from payment of income below 15,000 euros or the reduction for work income in personal income tax for income of 18,000 to 21,000 euros are measures that they proposed in April They presume that Sánchez is going to “slipstream” from Feijóo and demand that they “copy more” because “there is room” for more aid to families and companiesFeijóo now challenges Sánchez to lower VAT on the shopping basketTo the fight between the PSOE and Podemos for the paternity of the package of fiscal measures presented yesterday by the Minister of Finance, the PP has also signed up. In Genoa they presume that Sánchez is going to “slipper” Feijóo, copying his measurements late and badly. And to prove it, they compare the document of Minister María Jesús Montero, with her own tax reduction plan sent to Moncloa on April 22. (You can consult the PP document here). The Government increases the income that is exempt from paying IRPF: it rises from 14,000 to 15,000 euros. The popular assure that “that is the deflation of the rate that we proposed in April and it was included as such in the document.” A reduction that the PP proposes to extend to income of up to 40,000 euros. Minister Montero denies that this is equivalent to lowering personal income tax. The Treasury continues to reject the deflation proposal because it would be equivalent to a generalized tax cut and the coalition Executive is not for the job. The PP plan from five months ago stated: “In the same line of lowering personal income tax for low and medium incomes that are between 14,000 and 22,000 euros, another option that could be adopted is to establish a new figure in the personal minimum and specific and temporary family, applying a mechanism similar to that established in article 20 of the LIRPF (Reduction for obtaining income from work), which decreases as the citizen’s income increases”. Montero has announced that these measures will also affect the self-employed, which will have an additional 5% reduction in the net performance of modules. On page 13 of the PP document, a “reduction of taxation in objective estimation in personal income tax (modules) and of the simplified regime in VAT and special equivalence surcharge regime in those sectors especially affected by the increase in prices and costs” is established. . “There is no problem with them copying us, but we ask them to copy us more because there is room to help families and companies,” the economic manager of the popular, Juan Bravo, claimed yesterday. In Genoa they recount the measures that Sánchez has “copied” so far. The VAT reductions on electricity and gas, the 200 euros of direct aid to the most disadvantaged classes, the ‘exception’ for the cogeneration installations of industries with large gas consumption, and now these three initiatives are supported in the PP in fiscal matters. “What Minister Montero has done has been to generate uncertainty and everything after following the recipes of the PP,” said the president of the Andalusian Government, Juan Manuel Moreno, from Seville. Andalusia and Madrid are two autonomous communities that feel directly attacked by the Government of Sánchez for the new “solidarity tax” on the rich that deactivates the suppression of heritage that they have implemented in their respective territories. Genoa now challenges with the VATEso yes, the popular ones starting with their boss, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, do not save on the string of reproaches. “Little”, “disappointing” and without the “slightest sensitivity” with the average incomes -which according to the popular do not even remotely smell this tax reduction- and the lowest incomes “whose taxes will not be lowered this year ” because the government’s plan will not come into effect until next year. Their proposal, on the other hand, would have an effect on payrolls from now on and with retroactive effects from January 1 of this year, they defend. The Government rejects lowering taxes in 2022, the measures they announce are improvised, scarce and do not show sensitivity with the working class. They must deflate personal income tax on income of less than €40,000 and lower VAT on basic products, which would have immediate effects.— Alberto Núñez Feijóo (@NunezFeijoo) September 29, 2022 In the Genoa headquarters they sing victory because they believe they have managed to drag Sánchez from his land and impose on the Government its pushed “tax relief” framework by the ‘rebellion’ of the CCAA of the PSOE. That while threatening new challenges. The PP already raises the flag of the VAT reduction in the shopping basket and challenges La Moncloa to also take it away. “The Government has the highest shopping basket of the last 40 years and is not willing to lower basic foods,” Feijóo insisted yesterday after learning about the package of fiscal measures of the coalition Executive and tightening the nuts. “I would recommend Pedro Sánchez to abandon arrogance, deflate personal income tax and lower VAT,” they tell NIUS from the Popular Party leadership, satisfied because “Feijóo has marked a line, and it has been shown that it is the correct line.” It will be for flags in the PP.

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