The 5 things you need to know this September 27: Ian makes landfall in Cuba and stalks Florida

NASA successfully crashes a spacecraft into an asteroid for the first time. The 5 controversies of Giorgia Meloni. What is the healthiest bread? This is what you need to know to start the day. Truth first. 1. Ian makes landfall in Cuba and stalks Florida With maximum sustained winds of 200 kilometers per hour at landfall, Hurricane Ian landed in Cuba, southwest of the city of La Coloma, in the Cuban province of Pinar del Río at 4:30 am ET, according to a special update from the US National Hurricane Center. After passing through the Caribbean nation, the hurricane is expected to continue on its way to the United States, where operations are already underway to deal with its passage. 2. ANALYSIS | What’s troubling about US warnings to Russia That the United States is forced to warn Russia publicly, and in more strident terms in private, not to use nuclear weapons is a sign of how dangerous the battle for Ukraine has become. , and how much riskier it could become. Would Russia use nuclear weapons to defeat Ukraine? 2:52 3. The 5 controversies of Giorgia Meloni Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy, will be the most far-right prime minister of the European country since the era of Benito Mussolini. Her position on the fascist dictator is just one of the controversies that have surrounded her figure. Voter turnout in Italy was the lowest since World War II 3:05 4. Vladimir Putin grants Edward Snowden Russian citizenship Russian President Vladimir Putin granted former NSA contractor Edward Snowden Russian citizenship, according to a decree official published this Monday on the portal of the Russian Government. 5. NASA crashes a spacecraft into an asteroid NASA’s DART mission intentionally crashed into an asteroid in humanity’s first test of planetary defense. While asteroid Dimorphos was not at risk of hitting Earth, this demonstration could determine how to deflect space rocks that could pose a threat to Earth in the future. NASA crashes a ship into an asteroid. Here’s why 1:39 Coffee time The BeReal app bans edited photos to urge its users to be more authentic Move over, Facebook and Instagram. There’s a new photo sharing app and it’s not like other social networks. The app is called BeReal. And even if you haven’t heard of it, many young people are already signing up. Instagram’s new features to control what you see 1:07 What is the healthiest bread? Its flavor is delicious, but we are often faced with the idea that, nutritionally speaking, it is bad. But bread can be part of a balanced diet, and carbohydrates are crucial for health. Jupiter will be at its closest point to Earth since 1963. We tell you how to see it The gas giant, the largest planet in our solar system, will be at opposition, which means that the Earth will be directly between it and the Sun. Jupiter makes his closest approach to Earth in 59 years in the midst of a reaction to the musician’s stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Roger Waters: Biden fuels the ‘fire’ of war in Ukraine. That’s a great crime 6:10 Musical premieres of the week At Zona Pop CNN we compiled some of the most notable premieres in the last two weeks. Kany García and Christian Nodal come together for “The Next”; Boza and Beele collaborate again on “What do you prefer?”. Check out the list of these musical premieres and their videos. Christian Nodal criticizes the lyrics of current music 1:11 The figure of the day US$ 1.03 The pound sterling plummets to record lows against the dollar: a decline of almost 5% to just over US$ 1.03. The pound sterling falls again, strengthening the dollar 1:03 The appointment of the day “It is a historic day” The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, assured that the reopening of borders with Venezuela is historic and contributes to the progress of the two countries. And finally… Mysterious sinkhole in Chile: two months later, it is not known what caused it Chilean authorities continue to investigate a sinkhole that appeared at the end of July in the Alcaparrosa mine, in the Tierra Amarilla commune, in the region of attack. What are the main hypotheses around the mysterious phenomenon? Mine managers say they are keeping a close eye on the matter and take responsibility for any possible damage. We went to the place. Socavón in Tierra Amarilla revives criticism of mining in Chile 8:25

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