At the Genoa Show, discussion on sustainable development, work and innovation

The issues of sustainability, but also of professional opportunities and innovation were at the center of the latest meetings of the 62nd edition of the Genoa International Boat Show. This is demonstrated by the round table “The pleasure boat broker: role and activity”, curated by Assagenti with the collaboration of Confindustria Nautica, a comparison from which it emerged that the category of agents, agents and maritime mediators demonstrated prompt and reactive capacity to adapt to change and to find and generate new business chains attributable or comparable to its historical professionalism. According to the study by The European House Ambrosetti, the contribution of professional boating to the economy of the port and the Ligurian territory has been estimated at 369 million euros – an underestimate, considering the indications that are materializing in the first full year post- pandemic, which has seen a massive development in the presence of large boats in the ports and tourist harbors of Liguria and in the ability of this tourism to generate added value for the territory. In this regard, the president Paolo Pessina recalled how “an ad hoc rule, the implementing decree 151 of 6 August 2021 has regularized a profession, that of the pleasure craft broker, which until now was not substantially different from the traditional one. This marked a turning point. It is in fact the recognition of functions and skills that are concretely different and a viaticum for further development of the role of maritime agents and brokers in a rapidly expanding sector that requires specific professional skills ”. But the show also hosted a Tecno Marathon dedicated to the prospects of the Additive Manufacturing as an element of support for the technical and creative growth of the nautical industry. From 3D printed boats, to large format prints, to the use of additive manufacturing capable of recreating oceanic coral reefs destroyed by pollution, it will be essential to understand the technology in order to fully exploit the potential between industrial optimization and sustainability. As Barbara Amerio pointed out, Barbara Amerio, CEO Permare and Board Member of Confindustria Nautica “in light of the potential that 3D printing technology presents, we need to rethink how to design, re-invent design: it is almost a new profession. We see the future, the level reached by this innovative technology, always evolving, now allows us to give further impetus to creativity and inventiveness. The work with 3D printing is part of the perspective of continuous commitment to improve construction processes, with the aim of saving time and materials. ” Alessandro Gianneschi, Vice President of Confindustria Nautica and president of the accessories sector within the association, then met with the press to discuss the very topical issue of finding raw materials. “The numbers of the sector are very positive as well as those of the visitors who crowded the platforms and pavilions from the very first days. In these days, over 100 foreign operators have arrived at the Boat Show, a number never seen before – said Gianneschi – With regard to the known critical issues on the supply of some raw materials, we have understood that programming is fundamental and working in synergy between all the actors of the production chain”. “The new designs of the cities of water: accessibility and sustainability in Liguria” was the focus of a meeting organized by the Liguria Region and Liguria International. A Region on the sea committed to reconnecting and enhancing its relationship with the sea was the theme of the meeting that allowed us to get to know the projects of Genoa, La Spezia and Imperia that will redesign the sea profile of the cities. For the new Levante Water Front, as Pietro Piciocchi, Councilor for Public Works of the Municipality of Genoa pointed out: “it means for the city to regain possession of its sea and at the same time make the Genoese aware that the sea is strategic for the entire city “. For La Spezia, the project illustrated by the mayor Pierluigi Peracchini has the name of “Blue Mile”, an intervention that, in addition to connecting all the shipbuilding realities that overlook the Gulf, expands to create, with the strengthening of the university center, new dedicated spaces to research and enhance the natural and cultural aspects of the city. The projects related to the sea were also illustrated regarding the Piloti Tower of the port of Genoa and the project of the new port of Imperia. Two appointments dedicated to technology and innovation are also scheduled, the technical seminar organized by Atena Lombardia “Acoustic emissions in air and in water. The noise radiated in the air and in the water “, with a focus on megayachts, and the in-depth study organized by the Centro del Mare of the University of Genoa which took stock of” Innovative solutions for on-board comfort and radiated noise at sea “. The Chamber of Commerce of Genoa then proposed a comparison on” The quality marks of Genoese production excellence “, highlighting the Genova Gourmet Restauration and Bartender brands as guarantees of quality. The project was also discussed” Genova Cambusa dei mari “, an experience of promotion of guaranteed quality, with the presence of traders from the network of historic shops and artisans involved in the initiative. The Naval Academy of Livorno then presented the International Sailing Week to the public of the Boat Show , organized with the City of Livorno, providing an account of the 2022 edition and an overview of the profile of the edition. In an event of Confindustria Nautica entitled “Lavorare in the Nautical sector: professional opportunities and specialized study paths “the theme of work in a continuously developing sector that requires more and more specialized professionals is the basis of JobSearch, the portal on the website developed by Confindustria Nautica in collaboration with Cinco & Partners for the strategic part and which was illustrated by Aldo Cinco. “It is a service created to meet the needs of member companies to match supply and demand in the nautical supply chain, a portal open to all and free of charge”. And young people are addressed by the new University Campus of La Spezia which was presented by Mariaelena Casentini of the Promostudi Foundation who, thanks to institutional supporters but also to individuals, has created a structure with spaces available for a series of degree courses dedicated to boating. illustrated by Cesare Rizzo as well as sports facilities and, soon, also accommodation to create a university center entirely dedicated to the sea. Claudio Ferrari of the University of Genoa concluded the meeting by illustrating the opportunities offered by the doctorate in marine science and technology to continue the training course in the nautical engineering sector. After the appointment with Ocean Race Genoa The Grand Finale for “The voices of the sea listen to the ocean”, dedicated to the project promoted by the Social Services Department of the Municipality of Genoa with educational and recreational-sports courses aimed at minors, with activities related to sea, it was the turn of the testimonies from the territory regarding actions and innovations in development policies, with the event “Liguria towards Agenda 2030 – from” blue growth “to a sustainable blue economy”, organized by the Liguria Region and Liguria International. The event took stock of regional development initiatives and policies aimed at achieving the 17 goals for sustainable development. These objectives, contained in a programmatic document, must be achieved by 2030 by all UN member countries. To be decisive, the 2030 Agenda must be applied in a concrete way at global, national and regional level by all those involved. On this topic Paola Carnevale, EIA and Sustainable Development Sector – Department of Environment and Civil Protection of the Liguria Region, underlined how “the Liguria Region has already begun a long journey in terms of sustainability and sustainable development. After the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, it is A regional strategy has been drawn up which identifies the sea as the cornerstone of our territorial policies. Sustainability is an important path to undertake, with the aim of adapting to the challenges that will arise in all economic sectors “. At Eberhard & Co. Theater, the event “The Water Code”, finally recounted the experiences, projects and activities for the sustainable management of Helpcode water resources, highlighting the projects – from Italy to Mozambique, passing through Cambodia – related to ” education, sustainability and the promotion of sustainable development, environmental protection and the mitigation of anthropogenic impact on rivers, lakes and mari in the world, with a focus on how to face the new challenges in this area, helping the most affected countries and the most vulnerable categories.

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