Andalusia detects its first case of Nile Virus in Vejer

This is an 89-year-old woman resident in Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz) who was admitted on September 20 with a clinical picture of encephalitis and whose evolution is favorable. The Ministry of Health and Consumption of the Junta de Andalucía has confirmed this past Monday that this is the first positive case of West Nile Virus in the autonomous community this 2022. The samples have been analyzed in the laboratory of the Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital of Granada that confirmed this first case of the year after 2020 claimed 8 deaths and more than 70 infected in Andalusia. various aspects, such as the density of the transmitting and non-transmitting species, their trend and the presence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in them or their absence, in order to anticipate any type of incidence. The Board has indicated that regular monitoring of populations of vectors (mosquitoes) through traps located at strategic points in areas considered at risk, allows co Know the different species of mosquitoes, the population density and the detection of the presence of West Nile virus in transmitting species such as Culex perexiguus, Culex pipiens, Culex modestus and Culex laticinctus. Likewise, it makes it possible to intensify the control and prevention measures of local administrations early. Presence of transmitting mosquitoes in Barbate and Benalup-Casas ViejasIn the municipality of Benalup-Casas Viejas, positive batches of Cx. perexiguus on August 10, August 18 and three batches on September 16. In Barbate, positive batches of Cx have been detected. perexiguus captured on August 18, August 31, September 7 and three batches on September 16, showing an increase in the circulation of the virus in the area during the month of September. On this last date, a positive batch of Cx was also captured. Pipiens –more transmitters–. In all cases, the respective town halls and those close to La Janda have been promptly informed so that, in application of their Municipal Control, Prevention and Communication Plan, the planned actions will be intensified. The location of the locations for the traps is carried out in 16 municipalities of Andalusia, as these are classified as high or moderate risk areas, and to obtain information on the progress of the vector in territories with lower risk levels. With this, it is intended to achieve early detection of the increase in the density of transmitting mosquitoes and the circulation of the virus in mosquitoes to inform the local administration, so that it intensifies surveillance, control and communication actions in its territory, thus reducing the chances of transmission to humans. And it is that entomological surveillance (mosquito surveillance) is the key tool for the early identification of West Nile Virus circulation in Andalusia, allowing the adoption of adequate surveillance and control measures aimed at reducing the risk of the Andalusian population. In some areas of Andalusia there are natural conditions that favor the maintenance of the natural cycle of this virus, consequently, it is subject to possible human cases or outbreaks such as the one that occurred in the summer of 2020. This entomological surveillance is added to those carried out by the Doñana Biological Station (CSIC) with seven trapping stations in the province of Seville and the Huelva Provincial Council’s Mosquito Control Service with 23 trapping stations in the aforementioned province. In addition, this information is coordinated and integrated with other surveillance carried out on horses and birds, by the regional animal health and wildlife authorities, and with human epidemiological surveillance, all of which are also monitored by the General Directorate of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Management. 80 percent of infections are asymptomatic West Nile Virus (WNV) infection is a zoonosis transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex. The disease affects countries in southern, eastern and western Europe. The virus is transmitted between birds through the bite of infected mosquitoes, this being its natural cycle. Humans and other mammals can be infected collaterally, without further transmission from them. About 80% of WNV infections in humans are asymptomatic. West Nile fever (WNF) is the most common clinical presentation. The elderly and immunocompromised individuals are at increased risk of developing West Nile neuroinvasive disease. According to the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC), from the start of the 2022 transmission season and until September 21, 2022 , EU/EEA countries have reported 774 human cases of WNV infection in Italy (474), Greece (231), Romania (38), Hungary (12), Austria (6), Croatia (6), Germany (3), Spain (3) and Slovakia (1). EU/EEA countries have reported 51 deaths in Italy (28), Greece (20), and Romania (3).

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