Here comes the doc on the ‘Meditating Mind’, ‘An Enlightened Mind’ directed by Felicia Cigorescu

A documentary directed by Felicia Cigorescu will extend the life of the project ‘The meditating mind. Art, Science and An Enlightened Mind ‘, the performance that the naturalist biologist Daniel Lumera created together with Giacomo Rizzolatti, scientist of the CNR Institute of Neuroscience and discoverer of mirror neurons, and which took place at the Maxxi in Rome from 20 to September 24th. Using a specific technology, what happens in the brain during meditation has been translated into colors and waves, displayed in real time, becoming a real work of art. The performance, which took place in the Carlo Scarpa room of the Capitoline museum, required an extraordinary commitment from Lumera (an internationally recognized authority in the practice of meditation) who remained in a meditative state for 7 hours a day for 5 consecutive days. , from time to time involving well-known personalities alongside him in the experience (from singer Irene Grandi to Harvard scientists) but also the large audience (more than three thousand visitors) who have booked to participate in the performance, meditating in the audience in a The director – with a classical education, ranging from a degree in literature to a passion for the piano, but also with a consistent experience in yoga and meditation (she is also passionate about binaural music, neuroscience and sacred geometry) – he filmed everything that happened at the Maxxi and interviewed the people involved in the performance together with Lumera for da re concreteness to what will be the subtitle of the documentary ‘An Enlightened Mind’ – ‘The invisibile Made Visible’ (‘The invisible made manifest’, ed.). “The purpose of the documentary is to awaken people’s consciences, combining the universal languages ​​of art, spirituality and science – explains the director to Adnkronos – Thus the documentary follows a minimalist photography, which favors the meeting of languages universals of science and spirituality with that of art, starting from the architectural forms of the Maxxi, which becomes a place of fusion between word and silence, between full and empty, between noise and stillness “. Among the protagonists of the documentary, in addition to Daniel Lumera and Giacomo Rizzolatti, also Giovanna Melandri, president of the Maxxi museum, and some world-famous interviewees both from the world of art, science, spirituality but also economics and ‘business. Among them: Amy Brand, director and editor of Mit Press, the publication of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but also executive producer of ‘Picture a Scientist’, a 2020 documentary about women in science and how to make academic science more diverse and fair; Alessandro De Rosa, composer and only biographer of Ennio Morricone (who will also sign the music for the documentary); Alberto Gelsumini, editor of Varia and Young Adult Narrative at Mondadori Libri; Guido Stratta, People and Organization director of the Enel Group; the musician and songwriter Irene Grandi; Immaculata De Vivo, a molecular biologist of Italian origins and world-renowned, professor at Harvard; Ennio Tasciotti, director of the Human Longevity Program of the IRCCS San Raffaele in Rome. Despite all these contributions, the documentary ‘An Enlightened Mind’, which will be a medium-length film of about 20 minutes, produced in partnership with Trivellato Industriali, will only be a first step for Felicia Cigorescu, who intends to extend her research and her dissemination intent. in this field also through the making of a feature film. “The aim of this first documentary is also to raise funds for the research and development of a longer documentary that will explore human awareness through art, science and meditation across different cultures and nations,” explains Felicia Cigorescu. Director, artistic director and cultural manager, expert in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), creator of the Beautiful Business method (the modern concept of “Impresa Bella”, according to which companies pursue a cultural responsibility, producing well-being but also knowledge) For over ten years, Cigorescu has also been involved in emotional advertising and cultural projects that act as a dialogue between Culture and Business, also through the creation of international festivals, exhibitions and cultural events. You have so far directed audiovisual products related to advertising, ‘An Enlightened Mind’ is your first work of hers in the direction of a documentary.

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