And now what will happen in Italy? The steps for the formation of Government

The center-right coalition will govern Italy, led by Giorgia Meloni, after obtaining 44% That percentage gives it the necessary slack in the Senate and in the Chamber but they do not reach the two-thirds that are needed to modify the constitution The formation of the Executive will be in record time for the approval of budgets and measures against inflation The right-wing coalition, led by Giorgia Meloni, wins the general elections in Italy with 44% of the vote, which guarantees it the ability to govern. The party of the far-right leader, Brothers of Italy, thus becomes the first political formation in the country, with 26% of the votes and will be accompanied in the future Executive by its partners, the League of Matteo Salvini and Fuerza Italia of Silvio Berlusconi with 9% and 8% at the polls respectively. The center-left totals 26%, with the Democratic Party in the lead, was the second party with 19%, a figure that does not exceed the expectations of the party and that has already generated the first resignation of the post-election day, Enrico Letta, general secretary of the PD, the Italian Social Democrats, who announced this morning that he will not run again and that he will still wait in office for the new election of a substitute who occupies the head of the left-wing party. The other data of the night left 15% for the Five Star Movement and 8% for the Third Pole formed by Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda. The record abstention has been around 35%, the highest in history. And now what is the next step in Italy? With these data the countdown begins for the 19th legislature of the Italian Republic. The first meeting of the Chamber and the Senate has been set in the last few hours, which will be on October 13. The preceding week, the first of October, will be dedicated to registering the parliamentarians elected at the polls, a process that this year may be a bit slow due to the change in system introduced by the cut in the number of parliamentarians, who have gone from 945 to 600. In this first session, the representatives elected at the polls are proclaimed and the presidents of the Chamber and the Senate are elected, two fundamental roles in the legislature. The election systems are radically different, in Palazzo Madama -Italian Senate- a decision must be made in a maximum of four votes. In Montecitorio -headquarters of the Chamber of Deputies- it is a process that can take longer but, in any case, the agenda does not foresee that the election of the presidents can go beyond October 15, Saturday. After this fundamental step for the system, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella opens the consultations for the formation of the Government, these conversations are already expected between October 17 and 18. Mattarella will meet with the former presidents of the Republic, then with the newly elected presidents of the Chambers and then, the final step, with the representatives of the parties present at the formation of the new Parliament. If the result is clear, as in this case because the center right has the numbers to govern, this process ends with the appointment of the Prime Minister, it is expected to be Giorgia Meloni, who, in turn, usually accepts and begins to carry out her ” consultations” with the parties, in this case with the parties of his coalition, the League and Force Italy, to draw up a program and, above all, a list of ministers. This process is expected to take a day or two. If the consultations carried out by the new prime minister to form a government are successful, he returns to the Quirinale, seat of the Presidency of the Republic, communicates, in this case, to Sergio Mattarella his appointments and then publicly reads the list of ministers. It should be remembered that the ministers are appointed by the President of the Republic following the proposals made by the current Prime Minister. The next day or even hours later, the new premier and his ministers are sworn in at the Quirinal before the President of the Republic. If the result were clear, therefore, and no political stumbling block arose, the government could be sworn in for the last days of October. They will not be able to modify the constitution The right-wing majority is 115 seats in the Senate of the 206 total seats (200 + senators for life), more than twenty seats below two-thirds of the classroom, a figure they would need to make changes to the Constitution without going through a referendum and without involving other parties. Thus, they will not have the power to relaunch one of the proposals shared by the center right, a change in the Constitution, which would make the Italian system presidential. It will not be in this legislature, although this aspect does not change the general trend, the majority in the Chamber -they have 235 seats- and the Senate, as we have already explained, is large enough to govern without problems and to legislate on other major measures that have proposed in the campaign. The YouTrend forecast for the next Parliament: (The Maggioranza alla Camera is the 201 deputati, while I have three days in the servono 267. To the Senate the Maggioranza is the 104, but the 200 senatori eletti ce ne sono 6 a vita, mentre i due terzi ammontano to 138)— Il Post (@ilpost) September 26, 2022

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