Matovič can fall: Three votes will decide! They also shuffle obstructions with cards… Return of SaS? Pure psychiatry –

Everyone had their own truth and only the two leaders know why they were not able to continue side by side after their huge success in the parliamentary elections. Why everyone had their own truth and they couldn’t have a decent discussion. Today, the government with the once constitutional majority is ruling in a minority. It is not the first time that this government will face the dismissal of one of its ministers. However, there is a high probability that votes will be found for Matovič. Archived VIDEO Šipoš (OĽaNO) did not rule out that after the possible dismissal of Matovič they will negotiate with SaS about their return. it went down the drain. The first serious crisis during the pandemic resulted in Igor Matovič being removed from the prime minister’s chair. He exchanged posts with Eduard Heger and became Minister of Finance. After a moment of peace, however, another crisis began to emerge, which culminated in the termination of the coalition agreement and an ultimatum from the SaS. Their main demand was the departure of Matovič from the post of head of the finance department. However, it was already clear from the beginning that this would not happen, and the people of Sulík left the coalition four-leaf clover at the beginning of September. At Wednesday’s session of the parliament, Sulík is going to complete what he failed to do with his ultimatum. After leaving the SaS coalition, she announced that she would initiate her own motion to dismiss Igor Matovič. In the end, they succeeded and found support among the opposition MPs. Sulík found the missing votes in Hlas All 21 members of the SaS club signed the proposal, two unaffiliated deputies Tomáš Valášek (PS) and Miroslav Kollár (Spolu) and nine unaffiliated deputies from Hlas-SD, including Petr Pellegrini. The head of the parliamentary club, Anna Zemanová, while supporting Hlas, said that the offer to support their proposal was first received by the deputies who left the coalition. They excluded extremists from the initiative. She explained the signatures from deputies around Petr Pellegirni by saying that they simply accepted a public offer and the SaS club accepted their signatures. Photo gallery (7) Liberals have been talking about Matovič for a long time as a person who can cause the collapse of this coalition, the disruption of public finances and so on. They also stated the reasons in the proposal for his dismissal. According to them, while until now they used to submit motions for the dismissal of members of the government only in an attempt to reach potential voters, they have serious reasons for this, which they specify on several pages. “Their common denominator is that Igor Matovič broke his promise as a member of the government. He did not fulfill his duties in the interests of the citizens (…). Igor Matovič perceives the performance of the position of a member of the government and minister of finance, and previously the prime minister, as a “one man show”, as a space for the violent enforcement of his often unprofessional ideas, as a tool for the struggle for power and the realization of his private wars, and as a tool for revenge,” he writes. among other things, in the proposal to recall the Minister of Finance. Unranked will decide, three votes are missing While until now the dismissal of members of the government was more or less a formality, this time there is a real chance that the necessary number of MPs will be found to dismiss Matovič. When the opposition tried to express no confidence in Matovič last June, only 51 legislators were in favor. However, at least 76 votes are needed to dismiss a member of the government. Today, it is no longer completely unrealistic that they will not be found in the parliament. 32 deputies signed the proposal. 27 members of Smer also plan to support the recall. However, according to the strongest opposition party, the very appeal in the parliament will be just a disgusting show without a useful end, and the only solution to the crisis is early elections. Members of Hlas (11) are also going to support the appeal. Pellegrini described the dismissal of Matovič as one of the important steps to end the political chaos of the minority government and create conditions for negotiations on early elections. Thus, 61 deputies want to recall Matovič with certainty. If seven ĽSNS MPs and five from the Republic voted for Matovič’s dismissal, the total would be 73 MPs. Thus, seven unclassified members of parliament enter the game, of which only three votes would be needed for the recall. Ján Micovský and Marián Čepček plan to support their former boss. Tomáš Taraba and Filip and Štefan Kuff will probably support him. “I will not vote for Sulík to return to the government. That is a clear position that I said in the summer, and I will not change it,” he told Markíza. Katarína Hatráková (exOĽaNO) and Slavěna Vorobelová, who replaced Marian Kotleba in the NR SR, are still unclear. Participation and obstructions can mix up the cards. The result will be clear only after Wednesday’s special meeting. “Even if it looks like a vote of no confidence in the Minister of Finance, because the government coalition has a minority in the parliament, we have to take into account other variables, such as how many MPs are absent from the parliament due to illness, business trip, etc. “There will be more serious reasons and motives why MPs will not present themselves when they are in the chamber or when they will vote “he abstained,”” said political scientist Michal Cirner for Topky. According to him, participation and obstructions can significantly shuffle the cards. Photo gallery (7) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel “However, the most important will be political agreements and perhaps political deals, when votes for and against the vote of no confidence will be sought behind the scenes across the parliament. We’ll see how Igor Matovič manages this game. If he manages to convince several members of the opposition to abstain from voting, not come to vote or vote against the vote of no confidence, Igor Matovič can stand it,” he thinks. If Matovič succeeds in being dismissed, the government should consider whether it wants to bother. If SaS succeeds in dismissing Matovič, it will prove that the government is really a minority, according to Cirner. “And he does not have secret or open supporters from among the opposition MPs.” According to political scientist Radoslav Štefančík, the dismissal of Matovič would indicate that the government cannot rely on the silent support of some opposition MPs in the most important votes. “And maybe she should consider whether she wants to worry like this for another two years,” he told Topky. Photo gallery (7) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel The attitude of We are a family also remains questionable. According to the coalition agreement, MPs cannot vote for the recall, but they can abstain. He will not vote for the people to dismiss any minister from the coalition he is a part of. “The party considers the proposal to dismiss Igor Matovič from the post of Minister of Finance from the SaS workshop as a very bad timing of personal settling of accounts,” the party responded. What about the coalition? Matovič responded to the SaS initiative with words about associating with the mafia. He called the liberals’ move a confirmation that after the elections, SaS will “shamelessly join forces with the counters” or Hlas-SD. The chairman of the OĽANO parliamentary club, Michal Šipoš, sees behind the attitude of the SaS an attempt to take revenge on Matovič.
“First of all, we will wait to see if Richard Sulík comes to an agreement with Fico, Mazurek, Sujo and the Kotlebo family, and together they vote for the dismissal of Igor Matovič. Afterwards, we will talk about the next step,” said the chairman of the parliamentary club, Michal Šipoš, for Topky. Photo gallery (7) Source: Topky/Ján Zemiar, To the questions, whether the OĽaNO club votes unanimously against the recall and whether they would be in favor of the possible return of SaS to the coalition if Matovič was recalled. Peter Pčolinský, head of the We Are Family parliamentary club, thinks that there will be no appeal. The People’s Party has its own opinion on the recall. “The long conflict between Igor Matovič and Richard Sulík wasted time above all. Everyone is rightfully expecting proposals to solve the energy crisis, which are gradually coming, but they are drowned out by conflicts in the parliament, or fights of female politicians in night bars. With the massive support of the opposition, which is only stirring, people are losing track of what has actually been done and what is still waiting for them,” the party stated. The party did not respond to whether they were in favor of the return of SaS to the coalition. If Matovič was dismissed, SaS could return to the government In the event that the liberals succeed with their proposal and Matovič is dismissed by the MPs, there is also talk of a scenario where they would return to the government. OĽaNO will wait to see how the vote turns out. The Minister of Finance himself assured over the weekend that he himself would not resign from his post, but if he were to be dismissed, the SaS would receive an invitation to return to the coalition. “Whatever they are, there is still a part of deputies who feel democratic and will not help the mafia and fascists to overthrow the government at the time of the greatest crises,” he explained. Photo gallery (7) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel “I don’t know what would change in the relations between SaS and OĽaNO and in the relation between Sulík and Matovič if Igor Matovič left the government for the parliament. Maybe there would be “peace” in the government, but what about the coalition councils and parliament meetings and other political work. Igor Matovič’s dismissal from the government will not deprive him of the power he has as the chairman of the OĽaNO movement. So disputes would continue, but it cannot be ruled out that this scenario will occur,” Cirner thinks. Pure psychiatry… “First leaving the government coalition, then dismissing the minister of finance, among other things the leader of the winning party from the parliamentary elections, and then wanting to return to the parliament can be commented on in the words of Boris Kollár: This is pure psychiatry,” stated Štefančík. “Perhaps SaS does not think that then the conflict between Sulík and Matovič would be resolved in the government coalition, that they would coo at the coalition councils like lovebirds and argue about what bright future they will bring to the citizens of the Slovak Republic. Matovič will remain Matovič regardless of whether he sits in the government or in the parliament. Iveta Radičová could talk for a long time about what Igor Matovič can do from the position of a government deputy,” he added. Minister of Finance Igor Matovič should face dismissal from his position at an extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic on Wednesday from 14:00.

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