A storm devastates several beaches of the Mar Menor and causes incidents in the Campo de Cartagena

The rain and wind storm is wreaking havoc throughout the Murcian coast, especially in the Mar Menor and Campo de Cartagena area. The images that come from there, shared by social networks, show beaches devastated by mud and currents of water that go down at full speed through the streams of towns such as Los Alcázares or Los Urrutias. The Special Plan for Civil Protection against Floods (Inunmur) has raised the emergency level to 1 due to heavy rains in Campo de Cartagena and Vega del Segura. State Meteorology (AEMET) places the warnings for adverse phenomena in the Region in Valle del Guadalentín, Lorca y Águilas, Campo de Cartagena and Mazarrón at an orange level, the Inunmur Plan was activated this morning in its pre-emergency phase. predicted by the State Meteorological Agency, heavy rains have begun in the Region of Murcia from noon. At this time they are being located, above all, in the Cartagena area. Of the total of 53 cases that the Emergency Coordination Center is managing, 33 belong to Cartagena. And it is that, in one hour, the rain gauge of the Rambla de Benipila accumulated 52.2 liters of water, as well as that of Canteras. In Cartagena city, 46 liters were accumulated. Most of the notices received by the Murcia Region Emergency Coordination Center are related to road problems and water drainage.

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