“She scares me a little”: Italians divided on the probable election of Giorgia Meloni – Europe 1

Frédéric Michel (in Rome), edited by Laura Laplaud 8:06 a.m., September 25, 2022, modified at 1:21 p.m., September 25, 2022 The polling stations for the Italian legislative elections open this Sunday morning. For the first time in history, Giorgia Meloni could become the first woman to lead Italy. His party, Fratelli d’Italia, is leading in the latest polls. But how do the Italians perceive the one who is presented as an admirer of Mussolini? Europe 1 went to Rome. A few hours before the ballot that some are already describing as historic, frightening, terrible… Words are not lacking. Giorgia Meloni, with the alliance of Fratelli d’Italia, made up of the forces of Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi, is leading the polls in the Italian legislative elections with 24 to 25% of the voting intentions, against 21 to 22% for the Democratic Party. 13 to 15% for Cinque Strelle, 12% for La Liga and 8% for Forza Italia. With this score, the ultra-conservative coalition could easily win. Europe 1 went to Rome.”I don’t have a good image of her”Laura is a receptionist in a hotel in the center of Rome. This afternoon, on leaving work, she will go to vote and she reserves her ballot for Giorgia Meloni. “It is perceived as the right, with very precise but not extreme rules. I really hope for a change”, she confides. Gaya, 40, is employed in a private company in Rome and does not see any a good eye the coming to power of the one who was the youngest deputy and minister of Italy under Berlusconi. “I don’t have a good image of her but I know she is very successful in the country. She scares me a bit. Right-wing power always scares me when it gets extreme and that’s the The impression she gives me”, she testifies. It’s “Marine Le Pen at home” This young Italian will not vote does not seem worried about the breakthrough of the party of Giorgia Meloni, Fratelli d’Italia . “This ideology, I don’t like it too much because I’m a bit modern. I see it as in opposition, for example like Marine Le Pen at home”, she says at the microphone of Europe 1. As in France , many Italians are turning away from politics. Abstention could be strong this Sunday. The first results are expected overnight.