Ukraine, referendum in Donetsk and Luhansk on annexation to Russia

Green light for a series of referendums for the annexation of various regions of Ukraine to Russia. They will be held in Donetsk and Luhansk in the eastern part of the country from 23 to 27 September. Read also The president of the ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ Leonid Pasechnik has signed the provision for calling the vote, according to reports from Russian agencies. “Taking into account the demands of public organizations and the inhabitants of the region, the leaders of the administration of the Kherson region have decided to hold a referendum on the accession of the Kherson region to the Russian Federation”, writes the head of the administration in Kherson on Telegram. Vladimir Saldo as reported by the head of the Tass agency. “I am sure that the leadership of the Russian Federation will accept the referendum results and the Kherson region will become part of Russia.” In a statement reported by the Russian agency Tass, the Council affirms that it is “certain that the inhabitants of the Kherson region will fully support the initiative to join Russia.” control of areas of Kherson, but the main centers remain in the hands of the Russians. “We are sure – says the President of the Civic Council, Vladimir Ovcharenko – that the initiative will be strongly supported by the inhabitants of the Kherson region and joining Russia will not only be the triumph of historical justice, but will also protect the territory of the region. , will open new opportunities in the path for the rebirth and restoration of the power of our land and the return to a truly peaceful life “. ” A naive blackmail ” in the face of the ” fear of defeat ” defined them the head of Ukrainian presidency office Andrii Yermak commenting on “the horror of the referendums”, announced by the administrations installed by Russia in the occupied Ukrainian territories. These are “mobilizations of those who know how to fight only against children and civilians”. ” Ukraine will solve the Russian question ”. But “the threat can only be resolved by force,” Yermak added on Telegram. ZAPORIZHZHIA – Also in the southern Ukrainian region of Zaporizhzhia, in addition to that of Kherson and Luhansk, a referendum for accession to Russia could be held in the coming days. The Russian news agency Ria Novosti writes this, quoting the president of the movement “We are together with Russia” Vladimir Rogov. “In the coming days there may be a vote. We want certainty and a stable and happy future. We look forward to the announcement of the vote. We are ready to exercise our right to self-determination and to put an end to the question of territorial belonging to the territory of Zaporizhzhia. “, said Rogov. Today the congress of citizens of the Zaporizhzhia region was held in Melitopol to discuss the holding of a referendum on joining Russia. ” The referendum will be held and no one will be able to cancel it. The Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, as well as all the liberated territories, will soon become part of the Russian Federation “, said Kirill Stremousov,” deputy head “of the” administration “of the Kherson region.

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