Rome, punitive expedition to San Camillo: 25 beat up couple after quarrel

A real punitive expedition that took place yesterday at the San Camillo hospital in Rome, where 25 showed up to attack a couple guilty of having scolded one of them a few hours earlier. It all started in the morning, when a 41-year-old Romanian and a 42-year-old Roman called the carabinieri because, around noon, they had seen a Roma fumbling on the counters of the building without being entitled to it. The result was a discussion that degenerated into a fight and, while the Roma left, the 41-year-old and the 42-year-old were treated in the Capitoline emergency room for minor injuries. But the Roma also presented themselves at the hospital, accompanied by about 25 acquaintances. The 41-year-old, just discharged, was attacked by five people waiting outside, while another five people entered the emergency room to attack the 42-year-old who was still in the hospital. Alerted on 112, the carabinieri arrived to bring the situation back to normal. There was a general stampede and military investigations are underway to trace and identify those who took part in the attack. The three protagonists of the incident were medicated and the 41-year-old Romanian reported 10 days of prognosis, the 42-year-old Roman 30 days of prognosis, the young Roma seven days. D’AMATO – “The punitive expedition that involved the San Camillo emergency room operators is simply crazy! It seems to witness a story of ordinary madness. This morning I went to the hospital to express my solidarity and that of the entire Service regional health care to all staff. It is time to say enough, whoever makes these crazy gestures should be sanctioned with a real Daspo “, underlines the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, who went this morning at the Capitoline hospital, welcomed by the general manager, Narciso Mostarda. “The operators are tired – remarked D’Amato – of suffering this free physical and verbal violence. I want to thank the law enforcement agencies that with their timely intervention have avoided the worst”. “The attacks in hospitals are, unfortunately, , dramatically increasing. It is necessary to intervene with more effective prevention mechanisms, in coordination with the police “, asks Dg Mostarda, thanking the commissioner” for the support and solidarity he expressed to me following the violence mentioned the personnel of our emergency room was the victim “.

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