Bms, positive 2-year study data on oral anti-psoriasis drug

Bristol Myers Squibb (Bms) announces new results from the Poetyc Pso (LTE) long-term extension study showing clinical efficacy of continuous treatment with deucravacitinib, an allosteric inhibitor, for up to 2 years. selective tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2), in adult patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The results, as well as 25 other abstracts, were presented at the congress of the European academy of dermatology and venereology (Eadv), which took place in Milan from 7 to 10 September, and are added to the growing number of evidence confirming the profile of efficacy of oral therapy to be taken once daily for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. “The reality we are seeing is that both dermatologists and patients with psoriasis have identified the need for more effective and tolerable oral therapies, as psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated systemic disease associated with severe comorbidities,” says Mark Lebwohl , dermatologist, dean of Clinical Therapeutics of the ‘Kimberly and Eric J. Waldman’ department of dermatology at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai (New York) and member of the Publication Steering Committee of this study. “These new long-term results, that show lasting efficacy of up to two years of continuous treatment – he continues – further support the use of deucravacitinib, once daily, in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and address the need for more effective oral treatment options The analysis evaluated the patients in the main study Poetyc Pso-1 (PrOgram to Evaluate the efficacy and safety of deucravacitinib, a selective T yk2 inhibitor) that have moved on to the Lte study. At 112 weeks of treatment with deucravacitinib, the data, reported using modified non-responder imputation (mNri) were 82.4% for Pasi (Psoriasis area and severity index) 75, 55.2% for Pasi 90 and of 66.5% for static Physician’s global assessment (sPga) 0/1 Of the 262 patients treated with deucravacitinib, 171 achieved Pasi 75 at week 16 of the Poetyc Pso-1 study and, among these patients, efficacy was maintained up to 112 weeks, including Pasi 75 (100% at week 16; 90.1% at 52; 91.0% at 112), Pasi 90 (62.6% at 16 weeks; 64.9% at 52; 63.0% at 112) and sPGA 0/1 (84.2% at 16 weeks; 73.7% at 52; 73.5% at 112). “These two-year follow-up data demonstrate the ‘lasting efficacy produced by deucravacitinib and its potential to provide clinically relevant long-term improvement in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,’ comments Jonathan Sadeh, physician, senior vice president of Immunology and Fibrosis Development of Bms. “At Bristol Myers Squibb, we are committed to exploring cutting-edge scientific answers to improve the care of people with severe immune-mediated diseases – he points out – and we are focused on continuing our research on deucravacitinib and other new molecules of our vast and differentiated portfolio “. Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated systemic disease affecting 100 million people worldwide, which substantially compromises patients’ health, quality of life and productivity in the workplace. About a quarter of patients have moderate to severe forms. Up to 90% of patients with psoriasis have the vulgar form, or plaque psoriasis, characterized by distinct oval or round plaques typically covered with whitish scales. Although effective systemic therapies are available, many patients with moderate to severe psoriasis are inadequately treated or even untreated and are dissatisfied with current therapies.

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