Online ‘Growth Universe’, portal on the correct development of children

On the occasion of the World Awareness Day on Child Growth, which is celebrated every year on September 20, Novo Nordisk today launches the ‘Growth Universe’ portal ( in Italy. Already active globally, the site was created to provide scientifically correct, complete and in-depth information on regular growth and on the various problems that can be encountered in the childhood and adolescent age groups. The company announces it in a note. “Growth represents a complex biological phenomenon influenced by numerous factors – such as genes, nutrition, hormones, growth factors, psychological state and environment – it is fundamental for the development of a child and represents a reflection of his psychophysical well-being”, explains Mohamad Maghnie , director of the Uoc of the pediatric endocrinological clinic for diabetes and metabolism at the G. Gaslini Institute, University of Genoa. “Growth disturbances or disorders are an alteration of the normal developmental rhythm of the child, one of the most frequent requests for pediatric evaluation in Italy, involving about 3% of children. Growth must be monitored to verify that it does not deviate. from the reference range for age and sex and there are numerous alarm bells that it is important for parents to know in order to intervene early and allow any interventions to take charge and improve their quality of life “. ‘Growth universe’, which aims to inform, educate and help parents in a delicate and complex phase such as that of their child’s development, it is structured in different sections through which it is possible to read numerous news and articles with suggestions relating to the problems of different age groups. The site also has a calculator that allows you to easily determine if growth is happening correctly and in-depth information on the multiple syndromes that are associated with short stature, with personal experiences and advice on how to best address the diagnosis and treatment of a disorder. growth and how to discuss the subject with your doctor. Finally, there is a section that, through a direct link to the site ‘’ (Association of families of individuals with growth hormone deficiency and other rare diseases), allows you to identify pediatric care centers that deal with disorders of Clelia Cipolla, a doctor specializing in endocrinology and metabolic diseases at the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome, and Danilo Fintini, also a doctor specializing in endocrinology and metabolic diseases at the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital, are part of the scientific board of ‘Growth Universe’ Rome and Claudio Giacomozzi, pediatrician at the Carlo Poma hospital in Mantua. “Novo Nordisk has been involved for 40 years in promoting and developing innovative solutions to support and stay close to people suffering from rare diseases, such as growth disorders, who need treatment and adequate attention – comments Ludovic Helfgott, executive vice president of Rare Diseases of Novo Nordisk – Through the international program onal ‘Driving change in rare disease’ we want to fight rare diseases of the endocrine system and of the blood and lead change in this area with research, cooperation and attention to the patient “. As explained by Filippa Porretta, senior director of Rare Disease of Novo Nordisk Italia: “We want to support patients with growth disorders and their families, not only through the development of drugs, but by providing useful tools and resources that help to understand the growth and development of children, important indicators of health and children’s well-being. The ‘Growth Universe’ portal – he concludes – proves to be an important source for all parents ”.

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