The deadly shooting in La Mina dismantles the false truce between clans: “It never existed”

A new shooting surprised the residents of the neighborhood of La Mina, in Sant Adrià del Besós, this week. It happened this Monday night when a neighbor who was walking along Rosalía de Castro street was shot in the back and the doctors certified his death a few hours later. The victim, Kiko, was an “imposing and respected” guy by all, say the neighbors who crowded into the Plaza de Camarón last night to offer help. The family is devastated, they don’t believe it, they explain. The Mossos d’Esquadra have decreed the secrecy of the proceedings and have not yet made any arrests in this regard. The neighbors know nothing, they assure frightened by the event, while he ventures to explain that it is a settlement of past accounts between clans. The aggression confirms that there was never a truce. In early 2021, the leaders of the clans in the neighborhood met to agree to a halt to hostilities. “It never existed. It was to play the role,” say the neighbors, fed up with the insecurity in the neighborhood. This Tuesday, Kiko’s family wakes up shattered: “We don’t believe it, nobody expected it,” they say. They belong to the self-styled Cafeletes, a majority group with the surnames Amaya and Flores who do not want to know anything about this type of brawl. Marijuana business in the neighborhood The Los Manolos clan stands as the main suspect in the murder, although no one dares to openly point their finger at them. It is the clan that has been imposed in recent years and dominates the drug business in the streets that form the border between Barcelona and Sant Adrià del Besós. It is difficult for the family of the victim to resort to some kind of revenge. The cafeletes are many but they are scattered and prefer to live away from these brawls. Also, the opponent is strong. The Manolos are a historic clan in La Mina, who gained prominence as of 2016, after the war between Baltasares and Pelúos, which led to the expulsion of the Pelúos from the neighborhood for the murder of a member of the Baltasares in 2016 in Por Olímpic. It was then that Los Manolos gained control over the streets. A major raid in March 2022 arrested 15 members for marijuana trafficking who were also responsible for three shootings in a row in December 2020 in which one person was injured. The mayor asks for more police presence The mayor of Sant Adrià, Filo Cañete, has condemned the events on Twitter. “We cannot normalize these situations,” he has published and assures that La Mina “deserves dignity and leads a normal and safe life.” He deeply condemned the violent death tonight in the mine. The neighborhood of the mine deserves dignity and to be able to lead a normal and safe life. I continue to demand more presence of Mossos d’Esquadra, public order forces and judicial actions in the neighborhood.— Filo Cañete Carrillo (@CaneteFilo) September 19, 2022 The mayor has demanded more police presence in the neighborhood.

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