Ex-ministers of SaS are back in the parliament benches after a long time: Prochko entertained even Kollar himself in the plenary session! – Topky.sk

VIDEO SaS reacts to the way the meeting was opened: Funny Pročko’s opening moment However, a funny passage took place already at the beginning of the meeting, when OĽaNO deputy Jozef Prochko reacted to the speech of non-aligned Hlas-SD deputy Erik Tomáš. Prochko has known Tomáš since long ago, before they both entered politics. Tomáš even once appeared in one of Pročka’s catch-up sessions, and that’s not all. Erik, don’t you remember how we slept together? “Erik, you don’t remember those things? You don’t remember these things? You don’t remember the videos about Fico and Počiat? Erik, I remember you, how we were together in Galicia … we slept … we went to events together …” said Prochko, who was quite sure alluding to their past and friendly relationship and no intimacy, but it was too late and the plenum erupted with laughter, including the speaker of the parliament, Kollár. “You slept together?! (laughter)” asked Kollár with a laugh, when he jumped into Pročko’s speech. After these words, the other deputies also started laughing. Prochko added that he once shared the same room with Tomáš. “Give Mr. Pročko time for a factual remark, maybe he will talk about who he slept with,” added Kollár. The program has an incredible 140 points, Sulík called it a record. There are almost 140 points in the program of the meeting. Deputies should discuss, for example, the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO and the agreement on the association of Slovakia with the European Space Agency. The chairman of the opposition SaS, Richard Sulík, also responded to the number of points, calling them a record. Deputies from We are a family submitted a proposal to amend the Constitution of the Slovak Republic so that the electoral period of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic could be shortened by a constitutional law or a referendum. The opposition Smer-SD wants the amendment to be discussed as the first item on the agenda. Speaker of the Parliament Boris Kollár (We are a family) has already announced that he will include the item in the beginning of the meeting. The return of ex-SaS ministers to the parliamentary benches We also noticed that the former SaS ministers Richard Sulík, Mária Kolíková and Branislav Gröhling have already taken full seats in the parliamentary benches. Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel The Kuffs succeeded with the proposal Coalition MPs initially even supported the procedural proposal of non-aligned MP Štefan Kuffa. According to him, the Parliament should include a new agenda item. Deputies are to discuss whether the parliament should oblige the government of the Slovak Republic itself to propose a plan to mitigate the negative consequences of higher energy prices. Photo gallery (8) Source: TASR/Jakub Kotian SaSkar’s proposals were not passed. SaS should have demanded that some of its points be included at the beginning. This is a proposal related to the rule of law and the transparency of the prosecutor’s office, as well as legislation related to the humanization of prisons, but also her package of laws responding to inflation and the energy crisis. OĽaNO leader and Minister of Finance Igor Matovič indicated that part of the SaS would like to blackmail the coalition in this way. Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel At the current meeting, deputies should also decide, for example, on the amendment to the law on public procurement from the workshop of Jozef Šimek (We are a family), which was vetoed by the president of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová. The program also includes an amendment to the Act on Budgetary Responsibility, which has been moved several times. The proposal, which would, among other things, introduce binding limits on public spending, was approved by the government in September 2020. Liberals do not feel bound by any agreements SaS does not feel bound by any agreements. The individual points of the program are arranged according to whether they are in line with the party’s program and beneficial for the country. This was announced by party chairman Sulík at Tuesday’s press conference. “We tried to come to an agreement, our effort was distorted by Igor Matovič (OĽaNO), who was not even at the negotiations,” Sulík added, adding that they had already given suggestions to the coalition at the Friday (September 16) meeting. They also called for the submission of points that are important to her, with the fact that the SaS will then decide. He refuses that SaS would give an ultimatum on further action only after the approval of its points. “We do not register any agreements, we will vote on each point according to what is in accordance with the SaS program,” he added. Photo gallery (8) Source: Topky – Vlado Anjel According to Sulík, there are points in the agenda of the meeting that he would support, but also many that “hold their heads”. He made it clear that they would be willing to back down on several points and support them if the coalition supports some of their changes. The leader of the SaS also noted that during the procedural proposals and the change of the agenda of the meeting, it became clear that their former coalition partners were not so interested in an agreement with the SaS. According to him, this is also why the liberals voted for the program of the meeting. He also pointed out that the speaker of the parliament Boris Kollár (We are a family) included in the beginning of the negotiations a proposal to change the constitution in connection with early elections. He reminded that it was a request of the opposition Smer-SD. “We take it into account, we will arrange accordingly,” he said. The disputed section 363 is also to be resolved. Several proposals to change section 363 of the Criminal Code have also been submitted, submitted by OĽaNO deputies, as well as SaS and Tomáš Valášek (unclassified). SaS and OĽaNO also submitted several economic laws. For example, SaS wants to change the method of calculating the registration fee for motor vehicles, reduce the value-added tax (VAT) on motor fuels, for catering establishments, but also to increase the levy on the proceeds of certain online gambling games or to introduce a tax on gas pipelines. OĽaNO also proposes new taxation of gas pipelines. In order to secure additional resources for financing basic public functions of the state, it proposed, for example, an increase in the consumption tax on alcohol or an expansion of the scope of regulated entities affected by a special levy on business. Deputies of Smer-SD propose that, in addition to university teachers, researchers and artists should also be legally entitled to severance pay. Unaffiliated MPs around Petr Pellegrini propose that the state contribute 500,000 euros annually to the Slovak Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters.

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