Ukraine, Russian exhibitors at Lineapelle fair: consulate-organizers clash

Russia is also among the forty nations present at Lineapelle, the international leather goods fair, whose hundredth edition started this morning, in the exhibition spaces of Rho Fiera Milano. An “inadmissible” presence for Ukrainian diplomacy in Italy, which – when a week ago discovered the arrival of Russian exhibitors in Italy – immediately took action to ask for their exclusion. On September 15, five days after the start of the demonstration, the consul general of Ukraine in Milan, Andrii Kartysh, addressed the president of Lineapelle Gianni Russo directly with a letter – which Adnkronos has come into possession – sent for information also to the president of the Fiera Milano Foundation, Enrico Pazzali. “I find myself having to acknowledge my regret following numerous reports relating to the potential participation in an event of such great importance both nationally and internationally by Russian exhibitors” and follow the list of companies, including also a Spanish one which according to him – the consul writes – would be “a branch” of a Russian company “the main supplier of leather for the needs of the Russian army”. Kartysh does not mince words, in the letter sent to Russo, to denounce that “continuing to do business with a state that promotes war, hatred and violence is inadmissible for us. Without a doubt, it is also the same for Lineapelle ”. For this reason, the consul asks the president of the event dedicated to leather goods, should the Russian presence in Lineapelle be confirmed, to “evaluate the possibility of removing the companies registered in Russia from the list of exhibitors, using the spaces reserved for them for the exhibition of materials related to the ruthless war brought to Ukraine by Russia ”. The following day, September 16, a similar letter – which Adnkronos has read – was sent to the president of the National Union of Tanning Industry (Unic), Fabrizio Nuti. To get an answer, the consulate general of Ukraine in Milan waited until yesterday, September 19, the eve of the fair. To sign the letter addressed to Kartysh, sent “in the name of Lineapelle president Gianni Russo and Unic president Fabrizio Nuti” and, for information, also to Pazzali, is Fulvia Bacchi, Unic general manager and CEO of Lineapelle. “The presence of Russian companies, regularly enrolled in this edition of Lineapelle, is the result of a series of circumstances, including the fact that, since there were no specific prohibitions by the authorities, refusing them, we could have incurred non-fulfillment and responsibility”, writes Bacchi in the letter , viewed by Adnkronos, thus motivating the fact that “on the eve of the demonstration it is not possible for us to proceed with the expulsion”. However, the assurance from the CEO of Lineapelle to the Ukrainian consul is that “for the next edition we will study different criteria”. And in the meantime, reiterating on the part of Russo and Nuti the “full solidarity for the terrible tragedy that his country is experiencing” and recalling that “their dissent towards the aggression you have suffered has been repeatedly expressed and we will continue to do it in the most appropriate locations, just as they have undertaken to support you also economically “, the CEO of Lineapelle in the letter viewed by Adnkronos invites Kartysh to visit the fair” to personally show her full closeness and solidarity for the brutal and unjustified aggression suffered from his people “.

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