GTA 6: the FBI soon involved in the cyberattack at the origin of the leaks? –

News game GTA 6: the FBI soon involved in the cyberattack at the origin of the leaks? Published on 20/09/2022 at 11:21 This weekend, the developer of the very popular saga Grand Theft Auto suffered a massive cyberattack. This led to the theft of several gameplay videos of GTA VI as well as that of its source code. The FBI, American intelligence service, could soon be implicated. SummaryGTA 6 leaks: what you need to knowThe FBI involved, already on the trail of the criminal?GTA 6 leaks: what you need to knowIt is one of the biggest leaks from Rockstar if not in the history of the video game. Last Sunday, a hundred videos concerning the first phases of development of GTA VI (made on a PlayStation 4) ended up on the Internet. The hacker responsible, who would be 16 years old, would also have in his possession the source code of the game as well as that of GTA V: he is the backbone of the game which allows the computer to translate the commands requested by the developers, and understands the know-how of a studio. This massive cyberattack therefore already has its consequences: the moral damage inflicted on the teams who see their work stolen. Moreover, it is displayed to the world in an embryonic state, a state far from what the developers would have liked to show officially. Moreover, the case is far from over: the hacker is trying to extort money from Rockstar, otherwise he will distribute the source codes. The FBI involved, already on the trail of the criminal? A case that could involve the FBI, the Federal Internal Intelligence and Forensic Service of the United States. It was through Uber, the ride-hailing service itself hit by a cyberattack last week, which released the following statement on its official website: We believe this attacker is affiliated with a hacker group called Lapsus $, which has been increasingly active for about a year. This group typically uses similar techniques to target tech companies, and in 2022 alone it breached data from Microsoft, Cisco, Samsung, Nvidia, and Okta, among others. It was also reported that this weekend he also broke into video game developer Rockstar Games. We are in close collaboration with the FBI and the US Department of Justice on this case. About this cyberattack, Rockstar Games also reacted yesterday by indicating that it would not disrupt the development of the game whose hundred videos have nevertheless gave rise to many rumours.

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