Feijóo asks Escrivá not to “demagogue” with his proposal to “centralize” taxes against the Autonomous Communities

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has reminded the Government that the autonomous communities have their powers and fiscal responsibilities and demands that they not engage in “demagoguery” with these issues. First thing in the morning, the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, José Luis Escrivá, defended centralizing taxes to avoid the “nonsense” of competition between the different regions, after Andalusia’s decision to eliminate the wealth tax to attract investments following in the footsteps of Madrid. President Juan Manuel Moreno has said it clearly. It is going after Catalan investors who suffer greater tax pressure in their territory. “The Autonomous Communities have their powers and their responsibilities. If, within the scope of their powers, they exercise them responsibly and prove that by lowering taxes, greater collection is achieved, it is not reasonable that criticism of the PSOE, when they were the ones who eliminated the wealth tax for all of Spain”, Feijóo pointed out, recalling that it was President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero who eliminated wealth and later recovered it with the 2008 crisis. The leader of the popular supports The decision to eliminate the wealth tax of its closest autonomous baron, the president of the Junta de Andalucía, is seamless. Feijóo recalls that this decision is within Moreno’s powers and that it was included in his electoral program endorsed by an absolute majority in the Andalusian elections. It could not be otherwise. Genoa has been defending tax cuts for months to deal with inflation. Escrivá’s proposal to centralize taxes has served as an excuse for Feijóo to denounce one more day the divisions within the coalition government and with its investiture partners who defend concerts tax authorities in their respective autonomous communities.” There are members of the Government who propose recentralization and Sánchez is president with the support of some independentistas who do not agree with the harmonization of taxes and want fiscal concerts against the harmonization of taxes. It should clarify the PSOE. Because between what they say and what they do, they seem to be different parties and governments.” Leyen, who promotes a tax on the extraordinary benefits of energy companies, comes and goes his most unruly baroness, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and charges against the ‘boss’ of Brussels. The president of Madrid assured last night in a radio interview that she thought that European tax was a “tremendous mistake” skipping the official position of her party. That has forced her boss to go out and amend Ayuso. “That proposal is much more reasonable than the crazy Spanish tax,” the Galician has settled.

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