The Czech Republic reacts to the mass graves in Ukraine: Most of the bodies showed signs of torture! This is what New Time is asking for

The Czech Republic, which currently holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union, called on Saturday for the creation of an international war crimes tribunal after more mass graves were found in Ukraine. TASR took over the report from the AFP agency. The Czech Republic did so in response to the discovery of approximately 450 bodies in a mass grave near the Ukrainian city of Izium, which until recently was occupied by Russian troops. Most of the exhumed bodies show signs of torture. “In the 21st century, such attacks on the civilian population are disgusting and unthinkable,” Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský said on Twitter. He added that he is in favor of punishing all war criminals and called for the “urgent creation of a special international tribunal”. Investigators said some of the bodies found in a mass grave near Izium had their hands tied behind their backs. The bodies of children were also discovered in the grave. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights announced on Friday that it wants to send a monitoring team to Izium to verify claims of mass graves. Several Western countries have already condemned the discovery of mass graves in their statements, AFP reminds.