Anxiety Disorder: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. – Health press

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in France, affecting a third of French people. This represents 33% of the population! Although many people with anxiety disorders lead normal and productive lives, this condition can be debilitating and even prevent sufferers from seeking appropriate care. It is necessary to understand what causes anxiety disorders and how they can be treated. There are several types of anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), panic disorder , agoraphobia and specific phobias. Although each type of anxiety disorder is unique, they all have one common trait: excessive worry and fear that interferes with a person’s ability to function normally. What causes anxiety disorders? single cause of anxiety disorders. Rather, they are driven by a combination of environmental, genetic and psychological factors. Someone with a family history of anxiety or depression is more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, as are people who have experienced significant trauma or stressors. People with certain personality types, such as perfectionists or people who tend to worry a lot, are also more likely to develop anxiety disorders. Common Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders. Anxiety disorders can arise in many unusual behaviors. The most common symptoms are trouble sleeping, excessive worry, muscle tension, restlessness, irritability, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. People with anxiety disorders may also experience physical symptoms such as dizziness, shaking, sweating, and racing heartbeat. In severe cases, anxiety can lead to panic attacks characterized by shortness of breath, chest pain and dizziness. Anxiety Disorders: What Treatments Should Be Promoted? If you think you have an anxiety disorder, it’s important to first recognize it and talk about it. Asking for help from a professional is always very favorable. A trained mental health professional can make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that may include medication and/or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of therapy that helps patients identify negative thought patterns and provides them with tools to change them.Exposure therapy is another type of CBT that involves gradually exposing people to the things they fear in a safe and controlled environment. Medications can also be part of the treatment for anxiety. Although they are usually only considered as a last resort. Certain essential oils and supplements have also been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety. This falls within the scope of aromatherapy. Ultimately, the best treatment for anxiety varies with each individual. How to Overcome Anxiety Disorders to overcome them. Here are some of them:Exercising regularlyEating a healthy dietReducing stress levelsGetting enough sleepPracticing relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditationAvoiding substances that can trigger or worsen symptoms (eg, caffeine).Try aromatherapy through the use of essential oils that help combat anxiety disorders: Lavender oil, for example, helps reduce anxiety and to promote relaxation. Chamomile oil has also been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety, as well as improving sleep quality. Other essential oils that have been shown to help reduce anxiety include lemon balm, rosemary, and jasmine. Essential oils generally remain safe and well tolerated regardless of your treatment. If you think you are at risk of developing an anxiety disorder, it is important to discuss your concerns with your doctor. Early intervention and treatment can make a big difference in managing anxiety disorder and preventing it from negatively impacting your life.Florence Foresti reveals the dark side of her battle with anxiety disorders.When the actress Florence Foresti was 34 years old, she began to experience anxiety and panic attacks. For a while she tried to ignore the problem, but it soon became too much to handle. As her anxiety increased, she began to worry that she might lose her mind. In an effort to regain control of her life, Foresti saw a therapist. After being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, she began taking medication and undergoing therapy. In 2017, she decided to open up about her experience with anxiety in a stand-up number called “Motherf**ker.” The routine was a way for her to deal with her own anxiety, as well as let people know other people that they are not alone. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and Foresti continues to use his comedy to open up about mental health. * Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can the information given replace the advice of a health professional.Do you like our content?Receive our latest publications every day for free and directly in your mailbox Tagsdepressive anxiety disorder healing anxiety disorder treatment anxiety depressive disorder anxiety generalized anxiety disorder social anxiety disorder