IMAGES only for the strong: People in the mass graves in Izium were martyred! Children also died during shelling –

Please note that the content of the article and the images in it are not suitable for minors and sensitive people. Ukrainian authorities announced that they found a total of 450 graves at the mass burial site in Izium, AFP reminds. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights announced on Friday that it wants to send a monitoring team to the city to verify the claims. Several Western countries have already condemned the discovery of mass graves in their statements, AFP reminds. Photo gallery (6) Mass graves in the Ukrainian city of Izium.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka Photo gallery (6) Mass graves in the Ukrainian city of Izium.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka Photo gallery (6) Mass graves in the Ukrainian city of Izium.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka Ukrainian police chief Ihor Klymenko said at a press briefing according to the Interfax agency that “we can talk about at least ten torture centers” in the villages of the Kharkiv region. He explained that two such sites were found in the city of Balaklija in northeastern Ukraine. Klymenko added that the relevant authorities opened 204 criminal cases over the past week investigating the possible commission of war crimes by the Russian army. Hundreds of victims from the burial ground in Izium “were tortured, shot or killed by shelling,” Zelensky said in a video posted on social networks. According to him, there is evidence of various atrocities, with some bodies having ropes around their necks or broken arms. “More than 400 bodies with signs of torture, children, those who died as a result of rocket attacks, and members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were found in the mass grave in Izyum,” Zelenskyy said, adding that the final number of victims is not yet known. The President of Ukraine visited Izium on Wednesday. Photo gallery (6) Mass graves in the Ukrainian city of Izium.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka Photo gallery (6) Ukrainian city of Izium.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka archival video “Russia has already become the biggest source of terrorism in the world, no other terrorist power has left behind so many dead… The world must act. Russia must be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism,” Zelensky wrote on the social network Facebook. Oleh Synehubov – the governor of Kharkiv Oblast, in which Izium is located – said that bodies with their hands tied were also found in the mass grave. “According to our information, they all bear signs of violent death. There are bodies with their hands tied behind their backs. Every fact will be investigated,” Synehub’s Reuters agency quotes. IMAGES only for the strong: People in the mass graves in Izium were martyred! Children were also killed in the shelling