The police arrested a man who robbed several women in Bratislava – REFRESHER

The police caught the perpetrator less than 5 hours after the first robbery. Share Save Saved Share Share the article You must be logged in to save the article. Failed to save changes. Try to log in again and repeat the action. If the problems persist, please contact the administrator. An error occurred. If the problems persist, please contact the administrator. Source: Facebook/Police SR – Bratislava region The police caught a man who attacked and robbed several women with a knife in Bratislava. Bratislava region police communicated about the search and its successful end via Facebook. She received a report of robberies from the third and fourth districts of the capital city shortly before 7:00 a.m. on line 158. A man was supposed to have attacked a woman with a knife on one of the streets in Bratislava and caused her multiple cuts. After stealing her purse full of personal belongings, he fled into the woods, where, according to the police, he spotted two women and began threatening them with a knife. With the help of threats, he extorted purses and wallets from both women and then escaped again into the forest to an unknown location. Bratislava police managed to detain the man shortly after 11:30 a.m. in a field between the villages of Svätý Jur, Malý Raj and Slovenský Grob. According to the police, the perpetrator is 25 years old and approximately 190 cm tall. Report an error. If you found a shortcoming in the article or have comments, let us know. Preview image: Facebook/Police SR – Bratislava region