The cardinal sent by the Pope to Ukraine is unharmed in a shooting

“For the first time in my life, I didn’t know where to run…because running isn’t enough, you have to know where,” Krajewski recounted after the altercation. The Pope has shown on several occasions his intention to travel to Ukraine but the doctors advise against it Polish Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, who has held the position of pontifical almoner since August 3, 2013, has emerged unharmed from a shooting in the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhia, where he traveled last week on behalf of the Pope to bring consolation and humanitarian aid to the population. “For the first time in my life, I did not know where to run… because running is not enough, you have to know where,” Krajewski told Vatican News after the altercation. The Pole, charged with carrying out charitable works on behalf of the Pope, is traveling the country in a minibus accompanied by two other bishops, one Catholic and one Protestant, and also by a soldier. According to the Vatican News account, they had done They made a second stop to distribute food in the city of Zaporizhia, where the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is located, located in the south of Ukraine, when they were shot. “In the second of the planned stops, it happened that the group was received and the cardinal, along with the others, had to run to get to safety”, according to the story published by Vatican News. the Ukrainian population. This is his fourth trip to the country. On his last trip to Ukraine, Krajewski took a medicalized ambulance that he left in the country to attend to the wounded, as he did just over ten days ago. In mid-March, the Polish cardinal arrived in the Ukrainian city of Lviv (Lviv), in the west of the country, to launch a humanitarian operation in the area. The Pope has shown on several occasions his intention to travel to Ukraine. However, in an interview he assured that the doctor had advised him not to travel to kyiv or Moscow, at least until he made the trip to Kazakhstan.