Cyprus: the United States lifts the arms embargo, a “historic” decision – Le Figaro

The Cypriot president on Saturday hailed the “historic” decision by the United States to fully lift an arms embargo that had plagued the divided Mediterranean island for decades, on condition that Nicosia continues to prevent Russian warships from entering. at its ports. Washington had imposed an arms embargo on the whole of Cyprus in 1987, hoping to encourage the reunification of the island divided since the invasion of the north by the Turkish army in 1974, in reaction to a coup of state of Cypriot-Greek nationalists who wanted to attach the island to Greece. The United States hoped to prevent an arms race and encourage a peaceful settlement between the Greek majority and the Turkish minority. On Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken lifted defense trade restrictions on Cyprus, member country of the European Union, State Department spokesman Ned Price said. “This is a historic decision, which reflects the growing strategic relationship between the two countries, including in the field of security,” Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades reacted on his Twitter account on Saturday. counterproductive embargo? Some critics say the US embargo has been counterproductive as it has forced Cyprus to seek other partners, while NATO member Turkey maintains troops in the north of the island controlled by the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC, recognized only by Ankara). US officials had worried that the embargo would bring Cyprus closer to Russia, as Nicosia signed an agreement with Moscow in 2015 allowing the Russian navy to access its ports. tensionsIn December 2019, the US Congress voted to lift the arms embargo to allow the export of “non-lethal” military equipment. With the complete lifting of this embargo, Cyprus must “continue its cooperation” with Washington, in particular by “continuing to take the necessary measures to deny Russian military vessels access to ports for refueling and maintenance”, added Ned Price. The EU has closed European ports to Russian ships as part of sanctions against Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine. SEE ALSO – Germany must become “the best equipped armed force” in Europe, says Olaf Scholz