Sánchez accuses Abascal of not being a patriot: “He does not defend the interests of Spain but those of those from above”

Abascal calls for the Garoña nuclear power plant in April and the President of the Government accuses him of defending the electricity companiesSánchez denounces that in Spain there are two right-wings: Vox that “denies climate change” and PP that pretends it does not existAbascal boasts of trolling the “very well, not?” with which the journalist Xavier Fortes said goodbye to Sánchez after his interview on TVE First control session to the Government of the political course and it is as if a whole summer had not passed. Immersed in an eternal electoral campaign, Vox is trying to gain a foothold now that bipartisanship seems to be reviving. Its leader, Santiago Abascal, promotes his latest proposal, which involves asking Spaniards about immigration, ‘squatting’ or energy. So today that it was his turn to ask President Pedro Sánchez, he took the opportunity to demand a referendum on nuclear power plants (something very eighties) while demanding to reopen the Garoña plant. “Today those who closed the nuclear power plants and blew up the thermal ones have to give explanations. Reopen Garoña and repeal the climate law that is suicide for the Spaniards. Ask people if they want to continue paying for the most expensive energy or want to exploit their natural resources,” Abascal snapped. Sánchez’s response, exactly the same as he had given just before to the Popular Party. The President of the Government has accused Abascal of not being a patriot and aligning himself with the interests of the large energy companies. “You do not defend the interests of Spain but those of those above,” he replied from the blue bench. But Sánchez wanted to take the opportunity to continue poking the PP in Vox’s cheek. In this sense, he has denounced that “in Spain there are two rights”. The one from Vox that “denies climate change” and the one from the PP that acts “as if it didn’t exist.” Already almost about to consume his time, Abascal has not been able to resist the temptation and has wanted to ‘trolley Sánchez for his interview with last night on TV. The journalist Xavier Fortes once concluded said goodbye to the president with “Very well, right?” who picked up the prying microphones that were still open. So Abascal has decided to say goodbye just like Fortes with that ‘very good, right?’ to the laughter of his companions.

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