Summer is winding down: weekend with thunderstorms, wind and thermal collapse

Now we have a date: on September 17, the very hot, oppressive, drought, sultry and everywhere record-breaking Summer 2022 will end. In fact, a drop in temperatures of even 10-12 ° C is expected, we will pull out the coats this weekend which will be autumn on most of the boot and even winter on the border Alps with the arrival of some snowflakes over 1700 meters. The synoptic picture, that is the general meteorological configuration at European level, sees in these hours the slow movement of the former hurricane Danielle from Spain to Italy: this tropical cyclone was formed on 1 September west of the Azores, reaching in the following days category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, the hurricane intensity scale, with winds up to 150 km / h. Now the ex-hurricane Danielle, clearly weakened, arrives in Italy bringing the first rains to the North-West and Upper Tuscany and from tomorrow strong bad weather especially in the Center and on the Liguria di Levante.Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of the site www.iLMeteo .it, however, confirms that the person responsible for the ‘coats’ will not be the former hurricane Danielle but another disturbance. In fact, after Danielle, a cold core from Scandinavia will descend towards Italy, responsible for the turnaround expected over the weekend. Between the evening of Friday 16 and the night of Saturday 17, the Bora to the east and the Mistral to the west will burst, Italy will be surrounded by cold northern winds: finding pre-existing hot air, Italian sea waters still at 27 ° C, this flow it will cause intense storms first in the North and then in extension towards the rest of the peninsula. We will experience a very unstable September 17, with temperatures that will drop especially in the mountains and in maximum values; hailstorms and gusts of wind are also expected if the trajectory of the polar air is fully confirmed The good news is that the passage of the cold front, at the moment, seems very rapid: on Sunday large clearings could return and, thanks to the attenuation of the wind , even a slight rise in temperature during the day.But beware, less wind and more bright spells represent an equation that means a drop in minimum temperatures: on Sunday 18 September, almost ‘winter’ lows are expected in the North and part of the Center, from 3 degrees Bolzano, up to 6 ° C in Siena or 9 ° C in Florence, Milan and Rome. And with a minimum of one figure, the September coat appears, an extraordinary piece of clothing that we suddenly pull out after the crazy scorching hot summer of 2022! IN DETAIL Wednesday 14th. / high plains, in the evening intense bad weather on Friuli Venezia Giulia. In the center: it gets worse in upper Tuscany, very hot in Sardinia. In the south: sunny and very hot. Thursday 15. In the north: thunderstorms on the Alps and Prealps, possible in the North-East. Center: bad weather on the Tyrrhenian side with heavy downpours and local storms. In the south: thunderstorms in the province of Caserta, sun and heat elsewhere. Friday 16. In the north: thunderstorms on the Triveneto and Lombardy, worsening further in the evening. Middle: bad weather. In the south: very hot and muggy, storms are coming to Campania. autumn Saturday with heavy rains, thunderstorms and local storms over many regions. General thermal drop.

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