The level of income between students in Spain supposes up to two courses of difference already from Primary

The difference between a child of low and high socioeconomic status in the 3rd year of Primary in mathematics and language is equivalent to almost two years of schoolingWhile 16.7% of boys left school prematurely in 2021, the percentage for girls was 9.7%Researchers propose increasing tutoring, parental support and reducing teacher bias to reduce male dropoutAccording to their research, released today by EsadeEcPol, greater parental support and greater satisfaction in the school could reduce gender gaps in repetition by up to 30%, and to a lesser extent, the results of mathematics and language. In 2021, 13.3% of Spanish young people aged 18-24 had not completed second-stage secondary education and were not following any type of training, especially men and members of lower-income families. Thus, while the 16.7% of boys left school early in 2021, the percentage for girls was 9.7%. For their study, teachers use two predictors of school dropout: student performance in language, English and mathematics and grade repetition, based on the results of the diagnostic assessment tests developed in the Community of Madrid in 3rd and 6th grades of primary school, and 4th grade of ESO. Its conclusions reflect that students with a higher socio-economic level perform much better for all subjects and educational stages. For example, the difference between a child of low and high socioeconomic status in the 3rd year of primary school in mathematics and language is equivalent to almost two years of schooling. Behind these results, according to the researchers, there may be factors such as the fact that the boys register a significantly lower satisfaction with school, because they spend fewer hours on homework than girls and a bias in the evaluation carried out by teachers. To reduce these worrying rates of school dropout in boys and more disadvantaged students, the study proposes individualized tutoring; a greater degree of parental support with the collaboration of schools; the availability of better academic guidance; increase satisfaction with the school and an awareness of teacher evaluation biases. The study mentions the importance that gender and cultural identity of teachers may have, among other factors. ” In Spain, in the 2017-18 academic year, the percentage of male teachers is low (almost 100% of teachers in early childhood education, 80% in primary schools, and 72% in primary schools and ESO are women, according to data from the report ‘State System of Education Indicators 2020’).In general, the conclusions of this literature suggest that policies aimed at hiring teachers with whom students feel reflected could improve the educational performance of those students at higher risk of school failure Thus, greater gender and racial diversity in the teaching staff could help reduce the level of school failure of the two groups of students most affected: boys, and low-income students. socioeconomic status,” the authors state, citing a study conducted in Finland. According to the analysis by EsadEcPol, the differences in initial performance in primary school in favor of girls in language and English decrease in secondary school but, in any case, boys repeat a year more than girls in all stages. For students with a low socio-economic level -economic, despite the significant improvement in the academic performance of boys in all subjects throughout the courses, the gender differences in the rate of repetition remain constant between primary and secondary.

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