Some 2,375 million from the Automotive PERTE, in serious danger of having to be returned to Europe

Until now, only 23.6% of the total of 2,975 million has been committed and it is possible that more projects will fall The Ministry is obliged to go over the controls and deadlines set by Europe which, if not met, would mean returning the amountsIndustry has within their options to take out the same call again with the same regulations “For now only 23.6% of the funds allocated to PERTE VEC have been committed, which means that almost 80% remain empty”. These are the words of Cecilia Medina, from the supplier association SERNAUTO, one of the people who has been most involved in promoting this project. In this association, one of the most important in the sector, they are clear that there is an urgent situation to try to save a community economic injection that is not working at the moment, as the figures reflect. The allocation of funds for PERTE was 2,975 million, of which some 600 are “underway” after Ford’s resignation on August 24 to the 106 that were set in his project. That would mean that some 2,375 million from Europe they would be in question and with very little reaction time. And, in addition to not giving the best image, the non-execution of these funds would mean the obligation to return them. “The regulations say that you have to go through a series of controls and, for them to give you more money from Brussels, you have to justify that you are using what they have given you and that it is well used, and that point would not be fulfilled. That is either you execute it or you return it. I don’t know how long they have that money committed to Brussels, but the projects cannot go beyond 2025”. The million dollar question is what is going to happen now. “We asked the Ministry of Industry in August and they said that they had not yet spoken or finalized anything but that repeating the call was within their possibilities. Not a play-off, but a second complete call with the same regulations as now”. Would it be effective to repeat the same thing that has not worked? The problem is that if you wanted to launch a PERTE with more flexible conditions, it would take about six months to launch the call – the legal framework on which it would be established – you would have to consult with Brussels, etc. lengthening the deadlines excessively. Where are we now? The process is currently in the process of definitive resolution of the projects that have been approved, which will have 14 days to present the guarantees of 90% of the money that is going to be delivered to account of the first payment. That presentation of guarantees would have to be made approximately on October 14. “The projects that are estimated as approved within the provisional resolution, when they are presented for the final resolution, will have to present the economic guarantees within 14 working days. That is a very big problem, with which it could be that even more projects are dropped.” Perhaps the urgency of the Ministry to announce that a large budget is being executed has forced that delivery of 90% of the initial amount, money that will surely be will give at the end of this year. But obtaining the guarantees for these high amounts is not proving to be easy for the companies. On the other hand, there is the possibility of still recovering some of the initially rejected projects that have presented allegations. “I know that there are projects that were dismissed that could have “salvation” in the allegations, which would increase the percentage of money awarded.” The allegations were closed on August 12 and now the Ministry supposedly has the tentative date to present the final resolution for September 23. That time is the evaluation time of the allegations that have been presented to the Ministry. On the other hand, in addition to being impossible due to deadlines, it would be out of the norm for companies initially “hooked” on one project – read Ford – to be able to present themselves in another. Options But it seems clear that something must be done, because “The Ministry has told us that of everything presented, 50% fell simply by applying the regulations of the call”. From SERNAUTO they have proposed an alternative solution. “Execute a call for the Sustainable Technological Plan the same as the one that was opened in 2021. We believe that it is what would work best for times and because the conditions are closer to what we need. The problem is that the call would be from the CDTI, that is, it would be necessary for Industry to transfer the amounts to the Ministry of Science and Innovation, to which the CDTI belongs. On the other hand, the Autonomous Communities are coming to the rescue of their companies through of its Departments of Economy and Finance. Catalonia has already presented a series of advantages to cover the first income guarantees with Catalan companies. And the Basque Country is also trying to do something similar. The financiers Avalis and Elkargui support them. In addition, through CERSA, -the company that has the General Directorate of Industry and SMEs for the partial coverage of the risk assumed by the Reciprocal Guarantee Societies (SGR)- the need to speed up the deadlines has been transferred to the Ministry and there have been meetings. In any case, SERNAUTO has made itself available to the Ministry to collaborate in the definition of future calls “due to our detailed knowledge of the sector and its needs”, comments Cecilia Medina.

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